Zakes Mda
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Zakes Mda (nato nel 1948) è uno scrittore sudafricano. È anche drammaturgo e pittore.
[modifica] Opere
- (1977) New South African Writing
- (1979) We Shall Sing for the Fatherland
- (1979) Dead End
- (1979) Dark Voices Ring
- (1980) The Hill
- (1982) Banned: A Play for Radio
- (1982) Summer Fires
- (1986) Bits of Debris: The Poetry of Zakes Mda
- (1988) And the Girls in their Sunday Dresses
- (1989) Joys of War
- (1990) The Plays of Zakes Mda
- (1991) The Nun's Romantic Story
- (1992) Soho Square
- (1993) When People Play People
- (1993) And the Girls in Their Sunday Dresses: Four Works
- (1995) Ways of Dying
- (1995) She Plays with the Darkness
- (1998) Melville 67
- (2000) The Heart of Redness
- (2002) The Madonna of Excelsior
- (2002) Fools, Bells and the Importance of Eating: Three Satires
- (2005) The Whale Caller