위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.
벚나무속은 장미과의 한 속으로, 매실, 버찌, 복숭아, 살구, 아몬드, 앵두, 자두, 체리를 포함한다.
[편집] 분류
- Prunus allegheniensis - Allegheny Plum. In the Appalachian belt.
- Prunus americana - American Plum. Most of the U.S. east of the Great Plains and southernmost Canada.
- Prunus angustifolia - Chickasaw Plum. Southeast U.S.
- Prunus armeniaca - 살구. Central Asia to China.
- Prunus avium - Wild Cherry, also called the Gean, Mazzard, or Sweet Cherry, and the parent of most of the edible cherries. Europe to West Asia.
- Prunus besseyi - Rocky Mountain Cherry. Great Plains & eastern Rocky Mts.
- Prunus brigantina - Briançon Apricot. Southeast France.
- Prunus campanulata - Bell-flowered Cherry. Southern China, Taiwan.
- Prunus canescens - Greyleaf Cherry. China.
- Prunus cantabridgensis - Cambridge Cherry. Unknown origin, probably east Asia, possibly hybrid.
- Prunus caroliniana - Carolina Cherry Laurel. Southeast U.S.
- Prunus cerasus - Morello Cherry or Sour Cherry. Europe and southwest Asia.
- Prunus cerasifera - Myrobalan Plum or Cherry Plum. Southeast Europe and southwest Asia.
- Prunus cocomilia - Naples Plum. Southeast Europe (Italy, Balkans).
- Prunus cornuta - Himalayan Bird Cherry. Himalaya.
- Prunus dasycarpa - Black Apricot. Probably a hybrid P. armeniaca x P. cerasifera.
- Prunus davidiana - David's Peach. - China.
- Prunus domestica - Plum and Damson. Believed to be a hybrid, probably from West Asia and the Caucasus.
- Prunus dulcis - 아몬드. 남동부 유럽과 서남아시아.
- Prunus emarginata - Bitter Cherry. British Columbia to Oregon.
- Prunus fruticosa - Ground Cherry. Northeastern Europe, northern Asia.
- Prunus grayana - Gray's Bird Cherry. Japan.
- Prunus hortulana - Hortulan Plum. Mostly Missouri and Illinois and surrounding areas.
- Prunus ilicifolia. Hollyleaf Cherry. California.
- Prunus incana - Willow Cherry. Asia Minor, Caucasus.
- Prunus incisa - Fuji Cherry. Japan.
- Prunus jacquemontii - Afghan Cherry. Northwest Himalaya in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Prunus laurocerasus - Cherry laurel, of the Balkans and West Asia.
- Prunus lusitanica - Portugal Laurel. From Iberia.
- Prunus maackii - Manchurian Cherry. Northeast Asia.
- Prunus mahaleb - St Lucie Cherry, or Mahaleb Cherry. Europe.
- Prunus maritima - Beach Plum. Northeast Atlantic coast.
- Prunus mexicana - Bigtree Plum. Southeast Great Plains.
- Prunus mume - 매화나무. 동아시아.
- Prunus munsoniana - Wild-goose Plum. Mostly Missouri and eastern Kansas and surrounding areas.
- Prunus nigra - Canada Plum. Southeasternmost Canada west to Manitoba and northeasternmost U.S.
- Prunus nipponica - Japanese Alpine Cherry. Japan.
- Prunus padus - Bird Cherry. Northern Eurasia.
- Prunus pensylvanica - Pin Cherry. Southern half of Canada and northernmost U.S.
- Prunus persica - 복숭아, origin uncertain, probably West Asia.
- Prunus pumila - Sand cherry. Southeast and south-central Canada and northern U.S. west to Wyoming.
- Prunus prostrata - Mountain Cherry. Mediterranean region.
- Prunus salicina - Japanese Plum. Japan, China.
- Prunus sargentii - Sargent's Cherry. Northern Japan.
- Prunus serotina - Black Cherry. Southeasternmost Canada and most of U.S. east of Great Plains, also found in Arizona and Guatemala.
- Prunus serrula - Tibetan Cherry. Western China to central Asia.
- Prunus serrulata - 벚나무. 동아시아.
- Prunus sibirica - Siberian Apricot. Northeastern Asia.
- Prunus simonii - Apricot Plum. Northern China.
- Prunus speciosa - Oshima Cherry. Oshima & Izu Islands of Japan.
- Prunus spinosa - Blackthorn or Sloe. Europe, North Africa, West Asia.
- Prunus subcordata - Oregon Plum. Oregon, California.
- Prunus subhirtella - origin uncertain, but probably East Asia.
- Prunus tenella - Dwarf Russian Almond. Black Sea area.
- Prunus tomentosa - Downy Cherry. Southwestern China, Himalaya.
- Prunus virginiana - Chokecherry. Southern Canada and most of eastern U.S. except for deep south.
- Prunus yedoensis - Yoshino Cherry. Japan, probably of cultivated hybrid origin.