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저널 인용은 저널/잡지에 실린 논문을 인용할 때 씁니다.
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견본: {{cite journal |quotes= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= |month= |title= |journal= |volume= |issue= |pages= |id= |url= |accessdate= }}
using first, last | using author |
{{cite journal | quotes = | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | date = | year = | month = | title = | journal = | volume = | issue = | pages = | doi = | id = | url = | format = | accessdate = }} |
{{cite journal | quotes = | author = | date = | year = | month = | title = | journal = | volume = | issue = | pages = | doi = | id = | url = | format = | accessdate = }} |
- quotes: Specify "quotes=no" to disable the quotes around the title. If "quotes" is not defined or set to the empty string, the template emits quotes around the title (default).
- author: 저널를 작성한 저자.
- last works with first to produce
last, first
- authorlink works either with author or with last & first to link to the appropriate article (internal link)
- coauthors: 공저자
- last works with first to produce
- date: 출판된 날짜입니다. (예: January 1, 2006)
- year: 2006. 출판된 해입니다. (날짜 영역을 쓸 경우, 무시됩니다)
- month: 2월. 출판한 월입니다. (날짜 영역을 쓰거나, 연도 영역을 안 쓸 경우 무시됩니다)
- year: 2006. 출판된 해입니다. (날짜 영역을 쓸 경우, 무시됩니다)
- title: 문서의 제목으로 반드시 기입해야 되는 영역입니다. 다른 것은 덤입니다.
- journal: 저널의 이름.
- volume: Volume number of the journal in which the article is found
- issue: Issue number of the journal in which the article is found
- pages: 처음부터 끝까지의 쪽수. (예: 45–47)
- doi: 디지털 콘텐츠 식별자입니다. 자세한 것은 {{doi}}를 참조하십시오. (예: 10.1016/j.coi.2004.08.001)
- id: Identifier such as {{ISSN|1111-2220}}, PMID 15128012
- other suitable id-related templates: {{doi}}, {{US patent}}
- url: 온라인에 접속할수 있을 때, 문서를 읽을수 있는 웹사이트의 주소.
- format: 문서의 형식, i.e. PDF. Don't specify for HTML (implied as default).
- Specify as 'fee required' if free access no longer available.
- Specify as 'Reprint' if a full original version but not hosted by the original publisher.
- format: 문서의 형식, i.e. PDF. Don't specify for HTML (implied as default).
- accessdate: Full date when URL was accessed, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17.
[편집] 예제
- {{cite journal | last=Smith | first=Joseph III | title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma | journal=The Saints' Herald | volume=26 | year=1879 | month=October | pages=289 }}
- → Smith, Joseph III (October 1879). "Last Testimony of Sister Emma". The Saints' Herald 26: 289.
- {{cite journal | last=Smith | first=Joseph III | title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma | journal=The Saints' Herald | volume=26 | issue=19 | date=Ocotober 1일, 1879 | pages=289 | url=http://www.lavazone2.com/dbroadhu/IL/sain1872.htm#100179 | accessdate=2006-03-23 }}
- → Smith, Joseph III (Ocotober 1, 1879). "Last Testimony of Sister Emma". The Saints' Herald 26 (19): 289. 2006년 3월 23일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite journal | last = Giles | first = Jim | title = Preprint Server Seeks Way to Halt Plagiarists | url = http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v426/n6962/full/426007a.html | journal = Nature | date= 6 November 2003 | pages = 7 | id = {{doi|10.1038/426007a}} }}
- → Giles, Jim (6 November 2003). "Preprint Server Seeks Way to Halt Plagiarists". Nature: 7. DOI:10.1038/426007a.
- You can also specify the doi directly:
- {{cite journal | last = Giles | first = Jim | title = Preprint Server Seeks Way to Halt Plagiarists | url = http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v426/n6962/full/426007a.html | journal = Nature | date= 6 November 2003 | pages = 7 | doi = 10.1038/426007a }}
- → Giles, Jim (6 November 2003). "Preprint Server Seeks Way to Halt Plagiarists". Nature: 7. DOI:10.1038/426007a.
- {{cite journal | last=Fowler | first=Martin | authorlink=Martin Fowler | coauthors=Kent Beck | title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma | journal=The Saints' Herald | volume=26 | year=1879 | month=October | pages=289 }}
- → Fowler, Martin, Kent Beck (October 1879). "Last Testimony of Sister Emma". The Saints' Herald 26: 289.
- {{cite journal | first = W. Hugh | last = Woodin | title = The Continuum Hypothesis, Part I | journal = Notices of the AMS | volume = 48 | issue = 6 | year = 2001 | pages = 567–576 | url = http://www.ams.org/notices/200106/fea-woodin.pdf | format = PDF }}
- → Woodin, W. Hugh (2001). "The Continuum Hypothesis, Part I" (PDF). Notices of the AMS 48 (6): 567–576.
- {{cite journal | title = Disney Releases 10 Titles on Laser Videodisc | year= 1982 | journal = VIDEODISC/VIDEOTEX | volume = 2 | issue = 3 | pages = 175 }}
- → (1982) "Disney Releases 10 Titles on Laser Videodisc". VIDEODISC/VIDEOTEX 2 (3): 175.
[편집] 같이 보기
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- w:Cite sources/example style: 스타일 가이드 예제
- w:Citation templates: 많이 쓰이는 템플릿