사용자:Bjh13579/Get a Mac
위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.
Get a Mac 광고는 애플에서 2006년부터 현재까지 하고 있는 광고 캠페인이다. Get a Mac 광고는 현재 미국, 영국, 일본에서 방송되고 있다.
Get a Mac 광고에서는 배우 저스틴 롱이 매킨토시역을 하고, 유머작가인 존 호그만이 PC역을 맡고 있다. 이 광고는 맥과 PC와의 비교를 통해서, PC보다 뛰어난 맥의 속도나, 능력등을 보여주고 있다. 그러나, 요즘의 광고에서는, 컴퓨터 시스템의 일반적인 점들에 대한 비교를 하고 있다.
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[편집] Spots
The advertisements are presented in alphabetical, not chronological, order. Each title was retrieved from Apple, collected over time as some were removed.
[편집] U.S. Campaign
Apple's campaign consists of primarily these 30-second ads, which are featured in the U.S. and Canada and translated for the most part. You can see them at Apple's "Get A Mac" website.
- Accident — A wheelchair-bound PC, who is wearing casts on his arms, explains that he fell off his desk when someone tripped over his power cord. Mac points out that the MacBook’s magnetic power cord prevents such an occurrence.
- Angel/Devil — Mac gives PC his iPhoto book to view. Suddenly, angel and devil versions of PC appear behind him. The angel encourages PC to compliment Mac on his work, while the devil prods PC to insult Mac and destroy the book. (This is a spoof of a scene from the 1978 film, National Lampoon's Animal House).
- Better — Mac praises the PC’s ability with spreadsheets, but explains that he is "better with life stuff", such as music, pictures, and movies. PC defensively asks what Mac means by "better" to which Mac replies that its easier for Mac to make a website or photo book. PC replies, "Oh, that kind of better. I was thinking of the other kind." The ad cuts to the ending splash screen with Mac saying off-camera, "What other kind?" A coralized version of the ad is available here.
- Better Results — PC and Mac discuss making home movies. PC asks to see Mac’s and Gisele Bündchen walks out as his movie. Stunned, PC tries to get out of showing his movie, but Mac asks to see PC’s and he winds up reluctantly revealing a man with a hairy chest, a blonde wig, and wearing a dress similar to Bündchen's.
- Counselor — Mac and PC visit a counselor to resolve their differences and they try to compliment each other. However, PC’s resentment is too deep and the counselor recommends seeing the two together twice a week.
- Gift Exchange — Mac and PC begin by greeting viewers with "Happy Holidays" before the usual introductions. Mac gives a gift to PC, who is hoping for a C++ GUI programming guide. He is disappointed to see that it is a photo album of previous Get a Mac ads. Mac reveals that he made it in iPhoto and asks if there is anything for him. PC hands him a C++ GUI programming guide with a bow on it. A coralized version of the ad is available here.
- Goodwill — Mac and PC agree to put aside their differences because of the holidays. PC slips and states that Mac "wastes his time with frivolous pursuits like home movies and blogs." In the end, the two agree to embrace and to, as Mac says, "pull it into hug harbor". A coralized version is available here.
- iLife — PC is listening to an iPod and praises iTunes. Mac replies that the rest of iLife works just as well and comes on every Mac. PC responds by listing the "cool apps" that he comes with, like "calculator" and "clock."
- Meant for Work — PC looks haggard and is covered in stickers. Mac asks PC what happened, and he replies that he has been given to kids, whose activities, such as making movies and blogging, are wearing him out. He complains that, unlike Mac, he is meant for work.
- Network — Mac and PC hold hands to demonstrate their ability to network with each other. A Japanese woman, representing a new digital camera, enters and takes Mac's hand. Mac introduces himself with the standard Japanese for "Hello, nice to meet you." PC questions the fact that Mac can "speak her language" and Mac replies that everything "just kinda works with a Mac." She then hands Mac a digital print. After handing him the digital print she asks Mac in Japanese (referring to PC) "Hey, who's that man? He's geeky, isn’t he?" PC is utterly confused, and says to the Japanese product, Buon giorno ("Good Day" in Italian) in futile attempt to converse.
- Out of the Box — Mac and PC are in boxes discussing what they will do when they get out of the box. Mac talks about all that he can do right away, while PC says he must download new drivers, remove pre-installed trial software, and read manuals. Mac gets out of his box and goes right to work, while PC stays in his box and states that "the rest of me is in some other boxes."
- Restarting — Mac and PC explain how they both have a lot in common and how Microsoft Office is Mac compatible as well. Shortly after, PC freezes, and wakes up again repeating "I'm a PC". PC explains to Mac that he had to restart. "You know how it is." Mac replies that he actually doesn't. PC then asks "Macs don't have to—" but then PC freezes again and Mac leaves to get help from IT, instructing the viewer to keep an eye on him.
- Sabotage - PC does his introduction, but a different actor appears as Mac. He compliments the PC but appears to be reciting memorized lines. Then, the real Mac arrives and asks what's going on. PC reluctantly says "Nothing" and the impostor Mac mutters to the real Mac: "I'm a big fan."
- Sales Pitch — Mac introduces himself as usual, but then PC says "And buy a PC." Mac asks him about this comment, to which PC responds that the growth in sales of Macs is forcing him to push sales. He continues with a number of sales pitches, eventually holding up flashy red signs with pitches.
- Security - Mac begins with the traditional "I'm a Mac" greeting in which PC begins to respond, but is interrupted by a Secret Service-style agent with "Mac has issued a salutation, cancel or allow?". The agent continues to ask PC if it wishes to "cancel or allow" each of Mac's questions. PC explains that it is Vista's new Security feature. He could turn it off, but then he wouldn't get any warnings at all, thus defeating its purpose.
- Self Pity — PC asks Mac why he is wearing a suit. Mac explains that he "does work stuff too" and has been running Microsoft Office for years. PC grows panicky and then despondent and collapses on the floor, begging to be left alone to depreciate.
- Surgery - PC appears in the garb of a patient awaiting surgery. When Mac asks what is happening, PC responds that he is upgrading to Windows Vista but requires "surgery" to upgrade - specifically, upgrading such items as graphics cards, processors, memory, etc.
- Tech Support - Behind Mac and PC is an IT guy. PC proudly proclaims that he is getting an upgrade, while the IT guy places a webcam (which appears to be a LifeCam VX-3000) on PC's head and uses masking tape to attach it. Mac asks if it will be for video chatting, but PC says that his camera is for "serious video conferencing". PC adds that one day Mac will get a webcam, to which the IT guy responds that iMacs and MacBooks come with webcams, which angers PC.
- Touché — Right after PC gives his "I'm a PC" introduction, Mac replies, "And I'm a PC too." PC is confused and Mac explains that he can run both Mac OS X and Windows XP, calling himself "the only computer you'll ever need." To this, PC mutters, "Oh...touché." Mac explains that one only says "touché" after he or she makes a point and someone else makes a counterpoint, but PC continues to misuse the word.
- Trust Mac — PC is in a trench coat with dark glasses and a false mustache, trying to hide from spyware. PC offers Mac a disguise, but Mac declines, claiming he doesn't have to worry about PC spyware and viruses with Mac OS X.
- Viruses — PC has caught a new virus and continues to sneeze as Mac tries to help him. PC warns him to stay away and not be a hero, because last year there were "114,000 known viruses for PCs." Mac replies, "PCs...not Macs." PC says, "I think I'm going to crash," as he collapses onto the floor, fainting.
- Work vs. Home — Mac explains how he likes doing "fun stuff" like movies, music and podcasts. PC says he also does "fun stuff" like timesheets, spreadsheets and pie charts. Mac says it's hard to capture a family vacation using a pie chart. PC rebuts by showing a pie chart representing "hangout time" and "just kicking it" with different shades of gray.
- WSJ — PC snatches the Wall Street Journal Mac is reading and sees that Walt Mossberg called Mac "the finest desktop PC on the market at any price." PC then lies that he also received a great review, but is caught offguard when Mac asks for details.
[편집] UK Campaign
For the UK market, the adverts were reshot, using new dialogue performed by British comedy double act, Mitchell and Webb; Mitchell as the 'PC' and Webb as the 'Mac'. These ads are slightly longer than the US ads - 40 seconds on average. These versions can be viewed at Apple UK.
The following ads are exclusive to the UK:
- Office at Home - PC seems proud of his role in both the office and the home, but Mac tries to retaliate by asking why offices are not run like homes. PC then lists the ways homes can be run like offices, eventually mixing the two.
- Tentacle - Mac contemplates on Britain's work ethics, while PC praises them. Mac then talks about fun stuff to do, while PC chastises Mac about his freedom requests.
- Naughty Step - PC unveils his 'naughty step', the ultimate deterent "To an unruly errant child". He goes on to explain that children shouldn't be making pictures, movies and websites on a 'proper, grown up PC'. Mac points out that this is the fun stuff children like, and PC banishes him to the naughty step.
- Magic - PC attempts to exchange a file with Mac, making out it's much harder than it actaully is. A drum roll plays and a Magicians Assistant passes him an office document. He then passes this on to Mac and shouts "Amazing!" Mac then points out how easy it is and passes him back a photo. PC, again amazed shouts "Amazing!"
- Court - PC is seen in a barrister's outfit and questions PC on how long it takes to make a photobook. Mac points out it only takes a few minutes. PC doubts him and produces an 'extremely proffesional photobook' Mac claims to have made. Mac points out that with a Mac photobooks take a few clicks. PC, proven wrong, then resorts to cutting off Mac whenever he tries to speak.
Several of the regular ads have been modified for the UK market:
- Restarting - same name; different gestures, Mac does not have to hit PC in order to get PC to start up again, after Mac leaves to get IT, PC starts up again and asks where everyone went
- Viruses - new name Virus; "this one's a humdinger" instead of a doozy, PC faints more abruptly and with a loud crash on the floor, his legs moving about for a second
- Work vs. Home - new name Pie Chart; PC uses different words for each part of the pie chart, PC uses a pointing stick instead of a pointing laser, the pie chart is further divided after the primary two divisions.
- Trust Mac - same name; ends with PC yelling out to nobody that there are 2 Macs having fun instead of a Mac and a PC (in the US version, PC walks away but is stopped by Mac).
- Network - same name; in this version Mac connects with a Japanese printer instead of a digital camera. The Japanese is also different, with the Printer asking "Why does he shout at me" and Mac responding "He doesn't know we are compatible." In this ad PC is convinced the two can’t communicate since "He's a Mac", and attempts himself to speak Japanese, pointing out "I am a rice cake", and "Where is the train station?" This version also has subtitles. (In the US version, PC cannot communicate with the printer since he does not 'speak it's language' and seems outcast from the conversation, PC is much more included in this ad).
- Accident - same name; first half of the ad remains much the same, if a little more sarcastic (In contrast to the US ads, Mac seems to be less concerned that PC is injured). Then PC requests to be pushed over to the window so he can look at the pigeons. Mac points out there are no windows or pigeons, to which PC replies "You're funny."
- Out of the Box - same name; very much the same as its US counterpart. The only difference is the ending, when PC realises the rest of him is in other boxes (The US PC is already aware if this).
All other ads yet to be modified.
[편집] Cultural references
On an episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Hodgman was portraying a computer expert on a story about the internet. During the bit, host Stewart prodded Hodgman to utter his "I'm a PC." line from the ads. This generated lots of audience feedback, leading Hodgman to say "That's enough of that" and continue to the topic of the argument. (see the video).
[편집] Parodies
There have been several parodies of this ad campaign on the internet, such as:
- Greenpeace, in their effort to make Apple produce more environmentally-friendly products, released a spoof video showing PC and Mac listing the contaminants they each contain.
- A series of spoofs by TrueNuff which have received over three million downloads and introduces a Linux character into the mix. A BSD character is also introduced, which "looks just like Linux". They have been featured on G4techTV Canada.
- A video by Canadian video house LoadingReadyRun.
- A comic strip made by Ctrl+Alt+Del creator Tim Buckley, which specifically parodied the original "virus" ad, though with jabs at the commercial's presentation and Mac computers themselves.
- The introduction video of Intel Developer Forum 2006 opening keynote is a spoof showing that both PCs and Macs are both using Intel Core 2 Duo chips. It shows the Mac character looking at the PC character's arm, which has an Intel-style Core 2 Duo logo tattooed to it. Mac unzips his jacket to reveal an Apple-style Core 2 Duo logo. They hug.
- A spoof by VH1's Best Week Ever, which presents the "Mac" character in a less kind light, and the "PC" character in a more flattering light, than the "Get a Mac" ads.
- Another spoof, featured on G4, features the Wii (represented by a chipper, attractive woman) vs the PS3 (represented by a serious and overweight woman). The Wii talks about its ease of use, and price, whereas the PS3 claims that "good things cost good money", and that she has better features.[1]
- On the show X-Play, in a continuation of the theme of Apple making a console called the iBox, the iBox was compared to the Playstation 2 in the same manner. After the person playing the Playstation 2 complained about how many wires he had to carry, the iBox actor bragged about how the iBox doesn't have any wires. The Playstation 2 then questioned how you played it, to which the iBox responded "I don't think that's part of the game." The show's hosts, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, praised it for its user friendliness and minimalist design, the latter of which led them to ponder if Ikea made a console.
- David Letterman created a short spoof where after PC's and Mac's introductions, Mac suddenly explodes.[2] They were about to begin the campaign ad Touché.
- On YTMND.com, two spoofs were made, which exist as edited versions and over dubbed (using the voices from Microsoft Narrator) of the commercials Better Results and Self Pity entitled "another shitty mac ad" and "stupid ass mac ad". Another spoof was made entitled "Mac vs PC," (an overdubbed version of Sales Pitch) where the PC mentions that PCs can do games (in response to Macs supposedly having all the "cool programs", shoots the Mac, and "teabags" him, the famous gesture in Action Quake. Also, the message "Think Different" is replaced by "Think Again." The latter site was later deleted. In addition, a spoof called "PC FTW" involves Barney Calhoun and Isaac Kleiner (two characters from Half-Life), portraying the Mac and PC characters and using audio from the commercial Out of the Box, however, when PC/Issac is talking, Gordon Freeman shoots Mac/Barney. Finally, a site entitled "PC tells Mac where to sit," shows PC pointing a gun at Mac and telling him to shut up, while the song "In the Summertime" plays in the background.
- A video on the humor website Break.com features a viral video, which, at first, mirrors the ad showing the Mac not getting viruses. However, the guy representing the PC retorts that there are no Mac users who would want to make a virus, stating "who would want to fuck up a Mac any more than it already is?". The guy representing the Mac remorsefully walks off screen, and, seconds later, kills himself (a gunshot is heard). The guy representing the PC simply says "There goes another one.".
- A comic at Yirmumah.com parodies the ad where PC says that one thing Mac doesn't have is a gun, which causes Mac to flee.
- The Canadian sketch show Royal Canadian Air Farce has begun parodies of the campaign where, PC is replaced with a Progressive Conservative (called PC), and Mac is replaced with a Liberal. The parodies begin similar to the real ads, with the Liberal saying "Hi, I'm a Liberal." and the Progressive Conservative adding "And I'm a PC."
- Global Television in Canada has a parody commercial with a news anchor and a sports anchor.
- The British impressionist comedy Dead Ringers produced a parody with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair as a "PM" and leader of the Conservative Party David Cameron as a Mac. Although the two have differences (PM claims to "always let you down", while Mac comes in a box "so shiny and new that you don't notice that I do nothing at all"), they agree that they are the only choices, until leader of the Liberal Democrats Menzies Campbell drives past on a wheelchair exclaiming "and I'm a Sinclair ZX81!".
[편집] Criticisms
In an article for Slate magazine, Seth Stevenson criticized the campaign as being too "mean spirited," suggesting that, "...isn't smug superiority (no matter how affable and casually dressed) a bit off-putting as a brand strategy?".[1]
Chris Szurgot, developer of Visual Studio 2005, claimed the 'Viruses' commercial as FUD.[2]
In the 'Viruses' commercial, Mac claims none of the viruses for PCs affect him, but macro viruses do not rely on the operating system but instead individual pieces of software, thus letting them work on either Macs or PCs with the affected software. In addition, there are spyware known to attack any operating system with a compatible browser.[3]
A psychologist made an 18-page analysis of the campaign that includes references to several criticisms made regarding the veracity of this campaign. [4]
In an article in The Guardian Charlie Brooker points out that the use of the comedians Mitchell and Webb in the UK campaign is curious. They both star in the sitcom Peep Show in which to quote the article's author "Mitchell plays a repressed, neurotic underdog, and Webb plays a selfish, self-regarding poseur.". He goes on to say, "So when you see the ads, you think, "PCs are a bit rubbish yet ultimately lovable, whereas Macs are just smug, preening tossers."[5]
[편집] International variants
On December 12, a number of ads were released in Japan that were similar in style to the US "Get a Mac" ads. The Mac and PC are played by the Rahmens, a Japanese comedy duo. Analysis of the ads can be found here.
[편집] References
- ↑ http://www.slate.com/id/2143810/
- ↑ http://weblogs.asp.net/cszurgot/archive/2006/05/02/444840.aspx
- ↑ http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/07/26/firefox_malware_extension/
- ↑ http://www.workingpsychology.com/downloads.html
- ↑ http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/story/0,,2006031,00.html