틀:Cite web
위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.
- This template documentation is transcluded from 틀:Cite web/doc [edit]
이 틀은 위키백과에서 출처를 인용할 때 사용합니다. 이 틀은 특별히 웹사이트에 특화되었습니다. 뉴스가 출처일 경우엔 {{Cite news}} 틀을 사용하세요.
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[편집] 사용법
{{cite web | url = | title = | accessdate = | accessmonthday = | accessyear = | author = | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | date = | year = | month = | format = | work = | publisher = | pages = | language = | archiveurl = | archivedate = }}
{{cite web|url= |title= |accessdate= |accessmonthday= |accessyear= |author= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= |year= |month= |format= |work= |publisher= |pages= |language= |archiveurl= |archivedate=}}
[편집] 필수적 파라메타
- url: URL of online item.
- title: 제목
- One of the two date format parameters:
- accessdate: Full date when item was accessed, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2006-02-17. Must not be wikilinked; it will be linked automatically.
- accessmonthday and accessyear: Month and day when item was accessed, e.g. May 10, and year when item was accessed, e.g. 2005. Will not be wikilinked.
[편집] 선택적 파라메타
- author: 저자
- last works with first to produce
last, first
- authorlink works either with author or with last & first to link to the appropriate article
- coauthors: allows additional authors
- last works with first to produce
- date: 출판일 ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD 포맷에 따름. 예컨대, 2006-02-17
- 또는: year: 출판년도, 그리고 month: 출판월의 이름. 만약 날짜도 알면 date를 사용하면 됨. Must not be wikilinked.
- format: Format, e.g. PDF. HTML implied if not specified.
- work: If this item is part of a larger work, name of that work.
- publisher: Publisher, if any.
- pages: Pages, if any, especially if pdf format
- language: language of publication
- archiveurl: URL of the archive location of the item (requires archivedate)
- archivedate: Date when the item was archived (requires archiveurl), in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2006-02-17. Must not be wikilinked; it will be linked automatically.
[편집] 더 보기
- Wikipedia:Cite sources: Style guide
- Wikipedia:Template messages/Sources of articles/Generic citations: Related templates
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Wikicite
- Template:Cite news
- Template:Cite book
[편집] 예제
- Some standard use cases
- {{cite web | author=Doe, John | title=My Favorite Things Part II | publisher=Open Publishing | date=[[2005-04-30]] | work=Encyclopedia of Things | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ Doe, John (2005-04-30). My Favorite Things Part II. Encyclopedia of Things. Open Publishing. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web | author=Doe, John | title=My Favorite Things Part II | date=[[2005-04-30]] | work=Encyclopedia of Things | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ Doe, John (2005-04-30). My Favorite Things Part II. Encyclopedia of Things. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web | author=Doe, John | title=My Favorite Things Part II | date=[[2005-04-30]] | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ Doe, John (2005-04-30). My Favorite Things Part II. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web | author=Doe, John | title=My Favorite Things Part II | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ Doe, John. My Favorite Things Part II. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web | title=My Favorite Things Part II | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ My Favorite Things Part II. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web | url=http://www.nfl.com/fans/ | title=Digest of Rules | publisher= National Football League | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ Digest of Rules. National Football League. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- No parameters
- {{cite web}}
→ Template:cite web을 잘못 사용했습니다: 파라메타 url과 title은 필수적으로 사용되어야 합니다..
- accessdate in ISO YYYY-MM-DD format
- {{cite web | author=Doe, John | title=My Favorite Things Part II | publisher=Open Publishing | date=[[2005-04-30]] | work=Encyclopedia of Things | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ Doe, John (2005-04-30). My Favorite Things Part II. Encyclopedia of Things. Open Publishing. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- Using format
- {{cite web | title=List of psychotropic substances under international control | publisher = International Narcotics Control Board | url=http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf | format = PDF | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ List of psychotropic substances under international control (PDF). International Narcotics Control Board. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- language
- {{cite web | author=Doe, John | title=My Favorite Things Part II | publisher=Open Publishing | date=[[2005-04-30]] | work=Encyclopedia of Things | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 | language=English }}
→ Doe, John (2005-04-30). My Favorite Things Part II (in English). Encyclopedia of Things. Open Publishing. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- coauthors
- {{cite web | first=John | last=Doe | coauthors=Peter Smith, Jim Smythe | title=My Favorite Things Part II | publisher=Open Publishing | date=[[2005-04-30]] | work=Encyclopedia of Things | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2006-05-16 }}
→ Doe, John; Peter Smith, Jim Smythe (2005-04-30). My Favorite Things Part II. Encyclopedia of Things. Open Publishing. 2006년 5월 16일에 읽어봄.
- No author
- {{cite web | title=My Favorite Things Part II | publisher=Open Publishing | date=[[2005-04-30]] | work=Encyclopedia of Things | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2006-05-16 }}
→ My Favorite Things Part II. Encyclopedia of Things. Open Publishing (2005-04-30). 2006년 5월 16일에 읽어봄.
- No author, no publisher
- {{cite web | title=My Favorite Things Part II | date=[[2005-04-30]] | work=Encyclopedia of Things | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ My Favorite Things Part II. Encyclopedia of Things (2005-04-30). 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web | title=My Favorite Things Part II | date=[[2005-04-30]] | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 }}
→ My Favorite Things Part II (2005-04-30). 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web | title=My Favorite Things Part II | date=[[2005-04-30]] | url=http://www.example.com/ | accessdate=2005-07-06 | language=English }}
→ My Favorite Things Part II (in English) (2005-04-30). 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web | title=List of psychotropic substances under international control | date=[[2005-04-30]] | url=http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf | format = PDF | accessdate=2005-07-06 | language=English }}
→ List of psychotropic substances under international control (in English) (PDF) (2005-04-30). 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- Using archiveurl and archivedate to refer to items that went away but are available from an archive site
- {{cite web | title=List of psychotropic substances under international control | date=[[2005-04-30]] | url=http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf | format = PDF | accessdate=2005-07-06 | language=English | archiveurl=http://www.archive.org/2005-09-11/www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf | archivedate=2005-09-11 }}
→ List of psychotropic substances under international control (in English) (PDF) (2005-04-30). Archived from the original on 2005-09-11. 2005년 7월 6일에 읽어봄.
- {{cite web |url=http://joanjettbadrep.com/cgi-bin/fullStory.cgi?archive=currnews&story=20060405-01shore.htm |title=Interview with Maggie Downs |date=[[2006-03-31]] |publisher=The Desert Sun |archiveurl= |archivedate=2006-04-26 }} }}
→ Interview with Maggie Downs. The Desert Sun (2006-03-31). Archived from the original on 2006-04-26.