Us de Wikipedia
[Ändere] My favorite quotes
You'll never never know if you never never go!
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
When you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got.
[Ändere] Userboxes
Et kütt wie et kütt!
This user does not support People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. |
Beld:Humpbackwhale00.jpg | This user condemns whaling. |
GRE | This user supports Greenpeace. |
PC | This user is pro-choice. |
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This user opposes George W. Bush but equally vandalism of his Wikipedia biography. |
Beld:Dove-icon.gif | This user is in favor of gun control. |
This user does not support the National Rifle Association. |
Beld:Flag of Aztlan.png | This user says, "Who you calling an 'illegal immigrant', Pilgrim?!" |
PC-0 | I am politically incorrect. Hence, I will use common sense and speak plainly rather than trip all over myself trying to be inoffensive. |
de | Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache. |
nl-1 | Deze gebruiker heeft elementaire kennis van het Nederlands. |
Saachjruppe: Wikipedia:Medmaacher hätt Döütsch als MottoShprooch | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann Döütsch | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann joodt Shpanesh | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann Shpanesh | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann meddeljood Pochtojisėsch | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann Pochtojisėsch | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann meddeljood Franzüsesh | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann Franzüsesh | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann winnnish Neėdolängsh | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann Neėdolängsh | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann winnnish Ėttalljänesh | Wikipedia:Medmaacher kann Ėttalljänesh