Disputatio Usoris:
E Vicipaedia
Gratias ob experimentum tuum agimus.
Experimentum feliciter evenit, nunc autem aut reversum aut sublatum est. Si plura experimenta facere volueris, utere quaesumus nostro Harenario.
Vide etiam Vicipaedia:Destructor.
Seems to have been deleted from en, UV.--Ioshus (disp) 00:12, 3 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- That user has a en:User talk:Captaincalves discussion page and two [../../../../en/l/o/g/Special%7ELog_01d8.html log entries]. I am not sure whether en:User:Captaincalves is the same as this user here, but it looks quite so. --UV 00:18, 3 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
Hi, unknown user. I deleted the page Baco as the article did not make clear why there should be an article about this person in an encyclopedia. You may, however, if you believe and are able to show that this person is notable and relevant for inclusion in an encyclopedia, register an account here and draft your work in a subpage of your userpage. Greetings, --UV 07:29, 3 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
Haec est pagina disputationis usoris anonymi, solum a loco IP suo noti. Memento locos IP aliquando mutaturos, et ab usoribus multis fortasse adhibitos. Si es usor ignotus, et tibi querulae sine ratione datae sunt, conventum aperi vel crea ad confusionem solvendam. Nota locum IP tuum concelatum esse convento aperto si de rebus privatis tuis es sollicitatus.