Alfredus Duggan
E Vicipaedia
Alfredus Duggan (Anglice Alfred Duggan; natus 1903 Bonaeropolis Argentinae e stirpe Anglo-Hibernico; mortuus 1964) fuit scriptor mythistoriarum in lingua Anglica.
[recensere] Opera
- Knight with Armour
- God and my Right
- Leopards and Lilies
- Conscience of the King
- The Little Emperors
- The Lady for Ransom
- Thomas Becket of Canterbury
- Winter Quarters
- He Died Old (de Mithridate rege Ponti)
- Family Favourites (1960) (de Elagabalo imperatore)
- The King of Athelney (1961)
- Lord Geoffrey's Fancy (1962)
- Elephants and Castles (1963)