Vu Wikipedia, der fräier Enzyklopedie.
[Änneren] Bots
Wat Schreifweiskorrekturen ugeet, dee klenge Programm vun deem ech geschwat hunn, deen ass u sech just e Makro an engem Word Dokument. E këmmert sech zwar effektiv ëm d'Eifeler Regel, mee, wéi's du richteg gesot huest, huet en nach am Ament Problemer mat deene villen Ausnamen. Zwar gëtt en all Dag verbessert, mee bis datt een em voll a ganz ka vertraue wäert et nach e laange Wee sinn. E puer aner gängeg Schreiffeeler erkennt en och. Vu datt Microsoft anscheinend plangt, iergendwann eng Kéier e Lëtzebuergesch-Spellchecker erauszebréngen, wäert ech och ni de ganzen Dictionnaire fir en Check drasetzen, esouguer wann dat mat Microsoft schlussendlech awer just eng Rumeur wier.
Enfin, wéi gesot handelt et sech ëm en einfache Makro, mee et kéint ee menger wärresch kucken, fir dat a Bot-Sprooch ëmzeschreiwen. Iergendwann eng Kéier. Well als éischt muss emol de ChronoBot un d'Lafe kommen. Dëse verlängerte Weekend wäert ech emol kucken, fir mech do derhannert ze setzen, well ënnert der Woch gëtt dat leider ni eppes. Matrix-Input: ChronoBot 19:06, 24 Mäe 2005 (UTC)
Hunn grad gesinn dass et eng duebel Kategorie vu Liewewiesen gëtt. Kinns du déi Categorie:Liewewiesen deleten. Ech mengen dass déi net richteg ass. --Alexandra 10:24, 25 Mäe 2005 (UTC)
[Änneren] GlobalWPSearch
- Halló Briséis! Thank you for your support of Template:Interwikiconflict.
- Could you please have a look at GlobalWPSearch Paris? Some titles link to de:Paris and some to de:Paris (Mythologie). If you can fix the conflict please remove the template Template:Interwikiconflict from hr:Paris.
- GlobalWPSearch developed by de:Benutzer:Aka supports already Template:Homonymie (maybe it would be OK to have a redirect from lb:Template:Disambig to lb:Template:Homonymie) and Template:Interwikiconflict. It is planed to support also Template:Delete and Template:Copyvio. Would be happy if you can create the missing templates or make a redirect to the proper title. Thanks in advance.
- More informations soon. Best regards Gangleri 09:48, 5 Abr 2005 (UTC)
[Änneren] nl:Paris — nl:Paris (mythologie) — nl:Parijs
- Halló Briséis! To my opinion all of the titles linked directly or over a chain of interlanguage links to the titles above should be grouped in (at least) three groops:
- those containig an equivalent of Template:Homonymie should link to nl:Paris
- content related — link to nl:Paris (mythologie)
- content related — link to nl:Parijs
- The main problem I can see is when languages are involved I have no clue about ja:, zh:, ko:, vi:, fi:, ar:, fa: etc. and I do not now Wikipedians from that Wikipedia. Hopefully we can make an international team to handle this. Best regards Gangleri 11:13, 5 Abr 2005 (UTC)
- Thanks Briséis for the help! I will continue and contact you tomorrow. Best regards Gangleri 19:04, 5 Abr 2005 (UTC)
- Halló Briséis! I was buzzy for a while. Now en:Wikipedia:Template:Interwikiconflict#nl:Paris — nl:Paris (mythologie) — nl:Parijs should be fixed.
- My original idea with Template:Interwikiconflict was to use it as an indication for bots and GlobalWPSearch and let it empty. We should build a team of people from many Wikipedias skilled to fix such issues. There was a proposal to add a category or to add an optional comment as described at Specifying details in Template:Interwikiconflict. My only concern about generating a text or a category is that newbees could make things worse. Maybe it will take one or two month from now to find appropriate procedures.
- What you can do?
- Insert Image:Disambig.png in Template:Homonymie. At the moment it is deactivated at major Wikipedias but many of them (see Vorlagen - Templates) are using it.
- Please make lb:Template:Delete an equivalent to en:Template:Delete and lb:Template:Copyvio an equivalent to (version [1] of) en:Template:Copyvio. You can of course use other names and make redirects. It is just for GlobalWPSearch to know these name and handle them properly.
- I appreciate all your efforts and thank you in advance. Best regards Gangleri 13:02, 6 Abr 2005 (UTC)
- Thanks Briséis for lb:Template:Delete -> lb:Template:Läschen and lb:Template:Copyvio -> lb:Template:Copyrightproblem!
- User:Richie and User:RCBot would be happy to have lb:Template:NowCommons, see commons:Commons:Village pump#RCBot. If you create last template please insert it at Commons:User:Gangleri/sanbox/Template:NowCommons. Thanks in advance! Best regards Gangleri 20:04, 9 Abr 2005 (UTC)
- Thanks Briséis for lb:Template:NowCommons -> lb:Template:Elo op Commons. Best regards Gangleri 19:19, 12 Abr 2005 (UTC)
- Halló Briséis! While looking for other examples of GlobalWPSearch I found GlobalWPSearch Alfred Nobel. Could you please start an article Alfred Nobel? Thanks in advance! Best regards Gangleri 18:46, 10 Abr 2005 (UTC)