Naudotojo aptarimas:Martynas Patasius
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Bendruomenės atstovas Algirdas 20:27, 23 Rugpjūčio 2006 (EEST)
[taisyti] Translation Request
Greetings Martynas Patasius !
Can you please help me translate these passages into the Lithuanian language?
"Receiving the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues, is the guarantee of our inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven".
"Water baptism is the sacrament for the remission of sins and for regeneration. The baptism takes place in natural living water, such as the river, sea, or spring. The Baptist, whom already has had received baptism of water and the Holy Spirit, conducts the baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the person receiving the baptism is to be completely immersed in water with head bowed and face downward".
"The sacrament of feet washing enables one to have a part with the Lord Jesus. It also serves as a constant reminder that one should have love, holiness, humility, forgiveness and service. Every person who has received water baptism should have their feet washed in the name of Jesus Christ. Mutual feet washing is practiced whenever is appropriate".
"The Sabbath day, the seventh day of the week (Saturday), is a Holy Day, blessed and sanctified by God. It is observed under the Lord's grace for the commemoration of God's creation and salvation and with the hope of eternal rest in the life to come".
Any help at all would be very gratefully appreciated, Thankyou very much.
Yours Sincerely, From --Jose77 01:04, 2006 Lapkričio 5 (EET)
- Translation (with "comments"):
- "Šventosios Dvasios gavimas, liudijamas kalbėjimu kalbomis, yra Dangaus Karalystės paveldėjimo garantija".
- I hope you can write in the article (the English one, for example) how you try to reconcile that with 1Cor 12:29 "Are all workers of miracles? Have all the grace of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?" (From Douay-Rheims Bible)
- "Krikštas vandeniu - sakramentas nuodėmių atleidimui ir atgimimui. Krikštijama natūraliu gyvu vandeniu kaip upėje, jūroje ar šaltinyje. Krikštijantysis, kuris jau yra pakrikštytas vandeniu ir Šventąja Dvasia, krikštija Viešpaties Jėzaus Kristaus vardu. Ir krikštijamasis turi visiškai pasinerti į vandenį palenkęs galvą ir veidu žemyn".
- I hope you can write in the article how you have worked out these details (hint: who baptised John the Baptist?)
- "Kojų plovimo sakramentas leidžia vienytis su Viešpačiu Jėzumi. Jis taip pat nuolat primena, kad reikia turėti meilės, šventumo, kuklumo, atlaidumo ir paslaugumo. Kiekvienam pakrikštytam vandeniu turi būti nuplautos kojos Jėzaus Kristaus vardu. Kojos plaunamos vienas kitam kai tik tai tinkama".
- I hope you can write in the article how you have worked out these details (hint: did the apostles (or anyone else, for that matter) wash the feet of everyone who was baptised? By the way: Acts 8:16-17: "For he was not as yet come upon any of them; but they were only baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid their hands upon them, and they received the Holy Ghost.")
- "Šabo diena, septintoji savaitės diena (Šeštadienis), yra Šventa Diena, palaiminta ir pašventinta Dievo. Jos laikomasi Viešpaties malone Dievo kūrimo ir išganymo prisiminimui ir su amžinojo poilsio viltimi ateinančiame gyvenime".
- I hope you can write in the article how you try to reconcile that with Acts 20:7 "And on the first day of the week, when we were assembled to break bread, Paul discoursed with them, being to depart on the morrow: and he continued his speech until midnight." and 1Cor 16:2 "On the first day of the week let every one of you put apart with himself, laying up what it shall well please him; that when I come, the collections be not then to be made." (From Douay-Rheims Bible)
- And thank you for giving me a chance to strenghthen my Faith in infallibility of the Catholic Church :) --Martynas Patasius 16:50, 2006 Lapkričio 5 (EET)
[taisyti] Gratitude
THANKYOU SO MUCH Martynas Patasius for your excellent translation effort!
I am very very grateful. Your advice sounds good to me and I will try and incorporate them in the English article.
May God bless you!
(If you ever need any articles to be translated to the Chinese or Taiwanese language, then I would gladly help you)
Yours Sincerely, --Jose77 22:56, 2006 Lapkričio 15 (EET)
- You're welcome. --Martynas Patasius 23:44, 2006 Lapkričio 16 (EET)
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... ausis aptarimas 22:45, 2006 Gruodžio 4 (EET)
Labas, Gal ir ne kaip skamba pati kategorija, bet manau, kad jos vieta būti dukterine kinui, gal tik reikia perkrikštyti į 'Filmų apdovanojimai'. Kategorijoje 'apdovanojimai' sėdi trys straipsneliai, gal vertėtų pakeisti --Vytis1 03:15, 2007 Sausio 25 (EET)
- Tą ir turėjau galvoje - reikėtų, kad iš pavadinimo matytųsi ryšys su kinu. --Martynas Patasius 17:25, 2007 Sausio 25 (EET)