Fram Wikipedian
Bēowulf ēom geanwyrde beon þæt ānne micelne lēoð inne Englisc āwrit. Hit ēom writen mid Englisc, mid Westan-Saxon lǣdan, and ǣwielmen mid sprǣc betweonan þæt nēah 7 hundred gēara CE and ǣror 9 hundred gēara CE. Þone ǣwielm nōtere wæs uncuþ, ac hit wæs æfterwriten fram twēgen nōtera, þā wǣron gelīcian Crīstne, and ābīdan swā ānga ānne bōc geboren æt 10 hundred gēara CE, habbe fram þā Britisc Museum. Þæt lēoð is 3182 līna lang, gebrocen intō fruma and 43 læppan, and ātellan Germanisc cālendcwide.
Bēowulf,der echter, se ealdor, wæs Gēatisc æðeling. Þā of þāra pliht Hrōðgār þone Deniscan cyning hē gefracg, þā hwā fērde tō help. Bēowulf nīðplegen and ofslagen þā nīðig wuhte Grendel and Grendles mōdor, tō ǣrgōd lāstword and lean. Hie þǣræfter gēanhwurf cýððu to weorþ Gēatisc cyning æftanweard, wyrd þā deað of his fædera. Hie regolian 50 gēara, and swealt ofslagen gram wyrm þæt ābrocen his land. Hie wæs giermane fram his nēodfrēond Wiglaf.
[ādihtan] Works Consulted
- Blair, Peter Hunter. An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England, 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
- Chickering, Howell D. Beowulf - A Dual-language Edition. New York: Anchor Books, 2006.
- Mitchell, Bruce and Fred C. Robinson. A Guide to Old English, 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2001.
- “Dictionaries.” Old English Made Easy. June 16th, 2006. October 25th, 2006. <http://home.comcast.net/~modean52/oeme_dictionaries.htm.>
- “Old English Lexicon.” Northvegr.com. 2005. October 25th, 2006. <http://www.northvegr.org/lore/oldenglish/l.php.>