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歡迎! добро пожаловать! ようこそ! Bem-vindo! Witaj ! !ברוך הבא Hoş geldiniz! καλώς ορίσατε! !خوش آمدید Isibingelelo! 잘 오셨습니다! Bine ai venit! Selamat datang!
Xin chào! !خوش آمديد Salamu! Benvolgut!
I'm sorry, that I can't speak your language, so I write in English here. My interessts are geographie, maps and photos, so that's the things I want to help here.
Here you can see some of my photos:
[ādihtan] Churches in Switzerland
Ref. Church Birmenstorf AG
Ref. Church Birmenstorf AG
Inside Ref. Church Birmenstorf AG
Windows Of Ref. Church Birmenstorf AG
Rom.-cath. Church Bünzen AG
Ref. Church Gebenstorf AG
Inside Ref. Church Gebenstorf AG
Rom.-cath. Church Gebenstorf AG
Tower of rom.-cath. church Laufenburg AG
Rom.-cath. Church Mellingen AG
Rom.-cath. Church Niederwil AG
Rom.-cath. Church Sulz AG
Rom.-cath. Church Tägerig AG
Klosterkirche Königsfelden Windisch AG
Rom.-cath. Church Würenlingen AG
Ref. Church Rüeggisberg BE
Rom.-cath. Church Reichenburg SZ
Rom.-cath. Church Vorderthal SZ
Rom.-cath. Church Innerthal SZ
Rom.-cath. Church Willerzell SZ
[ādihtan] Churches in Ukraine
St. Michael Church In Kiev
Entry of Kiev Pechersk Lavra
Tower of Kiev Pechersk Lavra
Orth. church on the Poltava Battelfield of 1709
[ādihtan] Churches in Finland
Temppeliaukio in Helsinki
[ādihtan] Churches in in former "Grossherzogtum Baden" in Germany
Rom.-cath. Church Küssaberg-Kadelburg
Rom.-cath. Church Küssaberg-Reinheim
Rom.-cath. church Laufenburg
Prot. Church Stutensee-Blankenloch
[ādihtan] Churches in Bavaria
Ev.-Luth. Kirche Immeldorf, Lichtenau (Mittelfranken)
[ādihtan] Landscape, citys and villages in Switzerland
A Bunker At The "Limmatstellung" AG
[ādihtan] Landscape, citys and villages in Ukraine
Psel River near Krementschuk
A Little Village In Oblast Poltava
[ādihtan] Landscape, cities and villages in former "Grossherzogtum Baden" in Germany
Schloss Staufenberg, Durbach
Fachwerkhaus in Epfenbach
Rathausgässle in Stutensee
Hermannshäusle and Protestant Church Stutensee-Blankenloch
Pfinz River near Stutensee-Blankenloch
Altstadt Waldshut, Waldshut-Tiengen
Schloss Tiengen, Waldshut-Tiengen
[ādihtan] Landscape, citys and villages in Romania
Road From Huedin To Bicalatu (Magyarbikal)
Transylvanian countryside (Bicalatu/Magyarbikal)
[ādihtan] Landscape, citys and villages in Austria
The "Neusiedeler See" In Austria In The Winter
[ādihtan] Landscape, citys and villages in Ireland
[ādihtan] Landscape, citys and villages in Texas, USA
The Window in Big Bend National Park
Spanish Govenor's Palace in San Antonio
Spanish Govenor's Palace in San Antonio
The Alamo Village near Brackettville TX
[ādihtan] Roundabouts in Switzerland