من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
http://www.bolanda.org/backoffice/akhbarmain.asp يوجد الكثير من المعلومات عن بولندا في هذه الصفحة
[تحرير] Poland Tourism
- Warsawpics
- Cracowpics
- Gdanskpics
- Wroclawpics
- Poznanpic
- Szczecinpics
- Bialystokpics
- Tatra Mountains Pics
- Masuria Pics
- Baltic Sea Pics
- pictures of Poland
- Lots of nice pics
- panoramas
- Polish Webcams
- eMap of Poland
- Tourist information portal
- Tourist information
- polandtour.pl
- polandtour.org
- Flights to Poland
- Low cost flights to Poland
- poland.com
- Willgoto Poland, Travel guide and directory
- Polish hotels and travel guide
- Castels of Poland
[تحرير] The flag should be changed
The flag on the website is the USSR flag not the polish (upper half white and lower half red). please take attention and replace because I am new and I don';t know how to change files.
[تحرير] Thank you
Thank you!! That was really quick. Basel
ًWelcome, hope to see you more around here.....--Oxydo 21:21, 9 مايو 2006 (UTC)