قالب:Chembox Properties/doc
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
[تحرير] Standard
This box can be used as a module in the {{chembox new}}. Copy the left column into an existing chembox new, before the first section, and give the section a unigue number (the first line becomes e.g. "| Section8 = {{Chembox Properties", there are 15 sections available).
| Section = {{Chembox Properties | Formula = | MolarMass = | MolarMass_notes = | Appearance = | Density = | MeltingPt = | Melting_notes = | BoilingPt = | Boiling_notes = | SublimationConditions = | Solubility = | SolubilityProduct = | SolubilityProductAs = | SolubilityOther = | Solvent = | pKa = | pKb = | IsoElectricPt = | LambdaMax = | Absorbance = | BandGap = | ElectronMobility = | SpecRotation = | MagSus = | ThermalConductivity = | RefractIndex = | Viscosity = | CriticalRelativeHumidity = | Dipole = }} |
| Section = {{Chembox Properties * Molecular formula (see notes in advanced) * Molecular mass of the compound (see notes in advanced) * Notes for molecular mass (e.g. useful for reporting a hydrate). * appearance * Density * Melting point (see notes in advanced) * Notes on Melting point * Boiling point (see notes in advanced) * Notes on Boiling point * Conditions under which this compound sublimes * Solubility in water * Solubility product * Solubility Product * Solubility in other solvent * In which solvent * Isoelectric point * pKa * pKb * λ Max * Absorbance at λ Max * BandGap * Electron Mobility * Specific Rotation * Magnetic Susceptibility * Thermal Conductivity * Refraction Index * Viscosity * Critical Relative Humidity * Dipole }} |
[تحرير] Advanced
Besides these fields, there are a number of advanced fields:
| C = | H = | N = | O = | MassRound = | MeltingPtC = | MeltingPtCL = | MeltingPtCH = | MeltingPtK = | MeltingPtKL = | MeltingPtKH = | MeltingPtF = | MeltingPtFL = | MeltingPtFH = | BoilingPtC = | BoilingPtCL = | BoilingPtCH = | BoilingPtK = | BoilingPtKL = | BoilingPtKH = | BoilingPtF = | BoilingPtFL = | BoilingPtFH = | Solubility1 = | Solvent1 = | Solubility2 = | Solvent2 = | Solubility3 = | Solvent3 = | Solubility4 = | Solvent4 = | Solubility5 = | Solvent5 = }} |
* For each element a parameter with its count, :gives a molecular formula and a molar mass-field :These fields override the available Formula and MolarMass! * Can be used to give a different rounding to the molecular mass (default = 2) * Melting point in C * Melting point in C (low of range) * Melting point in C (high of range) * Melting point in K * Melting point in K (low of range) * Melting point in K (high of range) * Melting point in F * Melting point in F (low of range) * Melting point in F (high of range) * Boiling point in C * Boiling point in C (low of range) * Boiling point in C (high of range) * Boiling point in K * Boiling point in K (low of range) * Boiling point in K (high of range) * Boiling point in F * Boiling point in F (low of range) * Boiling point in F (high of range) * Solubility in solvent 1 * Solvent1 * Solubility in solvent 2 * Solvent2 * Solubility in solvent 3 * Solvent3 * Solubility in solvent 4 * Solvent4 * Solubility in solvent 5 * Solvent5 }} |
When supplying one of the melting points or boiling points of the extended set, it will also calculate the other melting/boiling points (e.g. 'MeltingPtC = 100' results in '100 °C, 373 K, 212 °F').