من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
[تحرير] Usage
Simply place {{Tnavbar-mini|Name of Template}} inside a given template to add v · d · e navigational functionality to it.
[تحرير] Note to editors
This template is likely represented across hundreds of pages (if not thousands); please tread lightly when editing here.
[تحرير] Examples / See also
Template | This... | Produces... | ||
{{Tnavbar}} | → | Divides into a separate section: {{Tnavbar|Tnavbar}} like so. | → | Divides into a separate section: | like so.
This template | → | Divides into a separate section: {{Tnavbar-mini|Tnavbar}} like so. | → | Divides into a separate section:
like so. |
{{Tnavbar-plain}} | → | Divides into a separate section: {{Tnavbar-plain|Tnavbar}} like so. | → | Divides into a separate section: قالب:Tnavbar-plain like so. |
{{Tnavbar-nodiv}} | → | Good for "blending" into text. {{Tnavbar-nodiv|Tnavbar}} | → | Good for "blending" into text. قالب:Tnavbar-nodiv |
{{Tnavbar-mini-nodiv}} | → | Good for "blending" {{Tnavbar-mini-nodiv|Tnavbar}} into text. | → | Good for "blending" | into text.
{{Tnavbar-plain-nodiv}} | → | {{Tnavbar-plain-nodiv|Tnavbar}} Good for "blending" into text. | → | قالب:Tnavbar-plain-nodiv Good for "blending" into text. |
{{{الاسم}}} | |
[[صورة:{{{الصورة}}}|250px]] {{{التعليق}}} |
التصنيف العلمي | |
المملكة | {{{المملكة}}} |
الشعبة | {{{الشعبة}}} |
الطائفة | {{{الطائفة}}} |
الرتبة | {{{الرتبة}}} |
الفصيلة | {{{الفصيلة}}} |
الجنس | {{{الجنس}}} |
النوع | {{{النوع}}} |