نقاش القالب:Wikivar
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
فهرس |
[تحرير] scope
→ bugzilla:04672 – "sitename and ns:project in arabic Projects"
[تحرير] links
- template:Wikivar T
- template:Wikivar/GRAMMAR
- w:en:List of grammatical cases
- user:Gangleri/tests/bugzilla
- b:sl:user:Gangleri/tests/bugzilla
- → bugzilla:04685#c3 – "LanguageSl.php hardcodes project namespace as Wikipedija"
- → bugzilla:03810 – "Translations for the namespaces in LanguageYi.php"
- bugzilla:04130 – "Change some inactive wikibooks Project namespaces to "Wikibooks""
- bugzilla:04282 – "Remove "Backwards compatibility hacks" from all LanguageXx.php files"
- bugzilla:04669 – "Project namespaces at ar: and fa: projects"
- bugzilla:04490 – "LanguageAr.php hardcodes Wikipedia project namespace"
- bugzilla:04672 – "sitename and ns:project in arabic Projects"
- dependency tree for bug 745
- meta:User talk:Gangleri#project namespaces at ar: and fa: projects
- CVS: languages/
- w:en:IRC: #mediawiki, #wiktionary
- meta:Help:Magic words#GRAMMAR:
- meta:special:Search/GRAMMAR
result depends on the search namespaces activated at meta:special:Preferences
search={{grammar: does not provide the pages including "{{grammar:"
- meta:special:Search/GRAMMAR
- w:en:Arabic language | لغة عربية
- w:en:Arabic grammar#Inflection | نحو عربي
- w:en:category:Arabic language | [[Arabic]]
[تحرير] to-do
[تحرير] old gNamespaceNames
from CVS /languages/ LanguageAr.php markup
/** This is an UTF-8 language */ require_once('LanguageUtf8.php'); /* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesAr = array( NS_MEDIA => 'ملف', NS_SPECIAL => 'خاص', NS_MAIN => '', NS_TALK => 'نقاش', NS_USER => 'مستخدم', NS_USER_TALK => 'نقاش_المستخدم', NS_PROJECT => 'ويكيبيديا', NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'نقاش_ويكيبيديا', NS_IMAGE => 'صورة', NS_IMAGE_TALK => 'نقاش_الصورة', NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'ميدياويكي', NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'نقاش_ميدياويكي', NS_TEMPLATE => 'قالب', NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'نقاش_قالب', NS_HELP => 'مساعدة', NS_HELP_TALK => 'نقاش_المساعدة', NS_CATEGORY => 'تصنيف', NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'نقاش_التصنيف' ) + $wgNamespaceNamesEn;
http://pastebin.com/521470 /* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesAr = array( NS_MEDIA => 'ملف', NS_SPECIAL => 'خاص', NS_MAIN => '', NS_TALK => 'نقاش', NS_USER => 'مستخدم', NS_USER_TALK => 'نقاش_المستخدم', NS_PROJECT => 'ويكيبيديا', NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'نقاش_ويكيبيديا', NS_IMAGE => 'صورة', NS_IMAGE_TALK => 'نقاش_الصورة', NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'ميدياويكي', NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'نقاش_ميدياويكي', NS_TEMPLATE => 'قالب', NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'نقاش_قالب', NS_HELP => 'مساعدة', NS_HELP_TALK => 'نقاش_المساعدة', NS_CATEGORY => 'تصنيف', NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'نقاش_التصنيف' ) + $wgNamespaceNamesEn;
[تحرير] notes
- NS_PROJECT and NS_PROJECT_TALK should not be hardcoded
- spaces are not allowed in the names of the namespaces; underscores should be used instead
- some languages are using declension; their LanguageXx.php files are using both "function convertGrammar" and "function LanguageAr()" in order to change the forms for the SITENAME's when these are used in different grammatical cases in the MediaWiki messages
Do you need different forms of the SITENAME's in special:Allmessages?: yes / no
[تحرير] SITENAME's
→ meta:User talk:Gangleri#project namespaces at ar: and fa: projects
Wikipedia => 'ويكيبيديا' Wikibooks => 'ويكي_الكتب' Wikinews => 'ويكي_الأخبار' Wikiquote => 'ويكي_الاقتباس' Wikisource => 'ويكي_مصدر' Wiktionary => 'ويكاموس'
Please correct and / or confirm here:
[تحرير] Inflection according to Arabic grammar
→ w:en:declension w:en:Arabic grammar#Inflection
- nominative => 'Arabic' #
- genitive => 'Arabic' #
- accusative => 'Arabic' #
- ? vocative => 'Arabic' #
Please translate the lines from above!
[تحرير] variant without declension
NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => $wgMetaNamespace . '_Arabic',
NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Arabic_' . $wgMetaNamespace,
NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Arabic_XX' . $wgMetaNamespace,
NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Arabic_' . $wgMetaNamespace . '_Arabic',
NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Arabic_XX' . $wgMetaNamespace . 'YY_Arabic',
Please choose only one for all projects, modify it and remove the obsolete ones!
Thanks chaos for your answer! I have seen that
(_ال) is used at / before other namespaces.
I assume that one should use
NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'نقاش' . '_ال' . $wgMetaNamespace,
Please correct and / or confirm. Best regards
Gangleri | Th | T | 23:55, 27 يناير 2006 (UTC)
- Please let me / us know if there is no common "formula" for all projects. Best regards
Gangleri | Th | T | 23:58, 27 يناير 2006 (UTC)
I Think there is no need for (ال) after the word (نقاش talk ) :
NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'نقاش' . '_' . $wgMetaNamespace,
--Chaos 23:08, 30 يناير 2006 (UTC)