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[edit] Notice

A totally new map is now available with better legend, sources, and looking.

Please, if your Wikipedia's articles state old comments, update your wikipedia article according to the new map, colors, and legend.

Other note : this being a World map, only biggest rate of spanish speaking communities are show, by choice. Tiny rate spanish communities (france, turkey, ...) are not welcome on this world map.

If you want improve the map : follow the new legend, show your sources, and use the talk page. --Yug (talk) 00:34, 29 April 2007 (UTC) (administrator)

This map shows all the parts of the World where Spanish or its créole languages are spoken. Note that this is not the same as the countries that are traditonally considered as the core of the Hispanidad (because they have Spanish as official language and it is the main language of the country, or because they have been historically important in the creation of the Hispanophone).

[edit] Legend


██ Países donde el español tiene estatus de lengua oficial.

Situación en los Estados Unidos de América:

██ Estados de los Estados Unidos de América donde el castellano carece de estatus oficial pero es hablado por un 25% o más de la población.

██ Estados de los Estados Unidos de América donde el castellano carece de estatus oficial pero es hablado por un 10-20% de la población.

██ Estados de los Estados Unidos de América donde el castellano carece de estatus oficial pero es hablado por un 5-9,9% de la población.

██ Países o regiones donde el castellano es hablado sin reconocimiento oficial, o donde se hablan lenguas criollas de origen castellano (chamorro, chavacano, papiamento, portuñol, etc) con o sin reconocimiento oficial, y áreas de fuerte influencia hispana.
NOTA: Para obtener información detallada sobre las fuentes de información utilizadas para la creación del mapa, véase su página de descripcción

  • ██ Official/Oficial

  • USA:

██ +25%

██ 10-20%

██ 5-10%

  • ██  :

Català: Països o regions on el castellà és parlat sense reconeixement oficial, o on es parlen llengües criolles d'origen castellà (chavacano, papiamento, portuñol, etc) o bé llengües amb indubtable influència castellana (chamorro), amb o sense reconeixement oficial, i àrees de forta influència hispana.
NOTA: Per a obtenir informació detallada sobre les fonts d'informació emprades per a la creació del mapa, vegi's la seva pàgina de descripcció
English: Countries and regions where the Spanish language is spoken without official recognition, or where Spanish-based créole languages (Chamorro, Chavacano, Papiamento, Portuñol, etc) are spoken with or without official recognition, and areas with a strong Hispanic influence.
NOTE: For detailed information about the sources taken to make the map, see its description page
Français : Pays et régions où l'espagnol est parlé sans avoir de reconnaissance officielle, ou où des créole d'origine espagnole sont parlés (chamorro, chavacano, papiamento, portuñol, etc) avec ou sans reconnaissance officielle, et des régions avec une influence hispanique importante.
NOTE: Pour obtenir de l'information détaillée sur les sources d'information utilisées pour la création de la carte, voir sa page de description
Italiano: Paesi o regioni dove il castigliano è parlato senza avere riconoscimento ufficiale, o dove si parlano creoli di origine castigliana (ciavacano, papiamento, portuñol, ecc) o ancora lingue con una notabile influenza castigliana (chamorro), con o senza riconoscimento ufficiale, e aree con forte influenza ispanica.
NOTA: Per ottenere informazioni dettagliate sulle fonti d'informazione utilizzate per la crazione della mappa, leggere qui.
Nederlands: Landen en regio's waar het Spaans gesproken wordt zonder officiële opname door de overheid, of waar Creoolse talen gebaseerd op het Spaans (bijvoorbeeld Papiamento, enz.) gesproken worden met of zonder officiële erkenning, en tot slot gebieden waarin er een sterke invloed van het Hispanic geldt.
NOOT: Voor gedetailleerde informatie m.b.t de bronnen die hierbij gebruikt zijn ter standkoming van deze kaart (vooralsnog alleen in het Engels beschikbaar) klik hier voor een verklarende beschrijving
Português: Países ou regiões onde o espanhol é falado sem reconhecimento oficial, ou onde se falam línguas crioulas de origem castelhana (chavacano, papiamento, portuñol, etc) com ou sem reconhecimento oficial, e áreas de forte influência hispana.
NOTA: Para obter informação detalhada sobre as fontes de informação utilizadas para a criação do mapa, veja sua página de descrição
Türkmen: İspanyolca'nın resmi tanıma olmadan konuşulduğu ya da İspanyolca'ya dayanan kreole dillerinin (Chavacano, Papiamento, Portuñol, v.b.) resmi tanıma olarak ya da olmayarak konuşulduğu ülkeler ya da bölgeler, ayrıca yoğun İspanyol etkisi altında bulunan bölgeler.
NOT: Haritanın yapımında yararlanılan kaynaklarla ilgili ayrıntılı bilgi için anlatım sayfasına bakınız

Gascon: Peis e regions ond l'espanhòu ei parlat xentz ua reconeixença oficiau, o ond creoles d'origina espanhòla (chavacanò, papiamentò, portunhòu, etc) o lengadges dab ua influéncia espanhòla sonn parlats, dab o xentz reconeixença oficiau, e regions dab ua influéncia ispanica importanta.

NÒTA: Tà-d aver ua informacion detalhada suus hont d'informacions utilisadas tà la creacion de la carta, véder la soa paja de descripcion
Deutsch: Länder und Gebiete in denen Spanisch gesprochen wird ohne als offiziele Sprache anerkannt zu sein, oder in denen auf Spanisch basierende Kreol-Sprachen gesprochen werden (Chamorro, Chavacano, Papiamento, Portuñol, etc) und Gebiete mit stark hispanischem Einfluss.
SIEHE: Für mehr Information über die Quellen der Karte, hier der Hauptartikel

[edit] Sources for the legend

██ Countries where Spanish has official status. Includes:

Situation in the United States of America:

██ States of the U.S. where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 25% or more of the population (2000 Census):

  • New Mexico (42.1%)
  • California (32.4%)
  • Texas (32.0%)
  • Arizona (25.3%)

██ States of the U.S. where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 10-20% of the population (2000 Census):

  • Nevada (19.7%)
  • Colorado (17.1%)
  • Illinois (12.3%)
  • Florida (16.8%)
  • New York (15.1%)
  • Jew Jersey (13.3%)

██ States of the U.S. where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 5-9.9% of the population (2000 Census):

  • Connecticut (9.4%)
  • Utah (9.0%)
  • Rhode Island (8.7%)
  • Oregon (8.0%)
  • Idaho (7.9%)
  • Washington (7.5%)
  • Kansas (7.0%)
  • Massachusetts (6.8%)
  • Wyoming (6.4%)
  • Nebraska (5.5%)
  • Georgia (5.3%)
  • Oklahoma (5.2%)

██ Countries and regions where the Spanish language is spoken without official recognition, or where Spanish-based créole languages (Chamorro, Chavacano, Papiamento, Portuñol, etc) are spoken with or without official recognition, and areas with a strong Hispanic influence. Includes:

  • In the Iberian Peninsula
    • Andorra: 71,822 inhabitants (CIA WF). The Spanish is taught at schools, and almost the entire population speaks it.
  • In North Africa
    • Morocco: 360.706 speakers of Spanish (Source). It is the third most important language, after Arabic and French.
    • Western Sahara: 37.132 speakers of Spanish (Source). It is the second most important language, after Arabic.
  • In the Caribbean:
    • Aruba: 110,000 inhabitants (2000 Census). The official languages are Dutch and Papiamento, the native language spoken by almost the entire population. Spanish, along with English, is taught schools and it is widely spoken (Source: The Official Tourism Website of Aruba).
    • Belize: 130,000 speakers of Spanish (Source).
    • Trinidad and Tobago: 4,100 speakers of Spanish (Source), mainly in fishing villages and communities of the southern peninsula.
    • Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Eustatius, Saba, Sint Maarten): 10,699 speakers of Spanish, 7.1%, and 114,835 of Papiamentu, 62.7% (2001 Census).
  • In South America
    • Falklands Islands: the islands have had Hispanic population in the past (in 1828 Luis Vernet brought one hundred Gauchos and Indians from the Pampas to settle the islands), but since the British invasion, the Spanish has almost disappeared in the archipelago (Source).
  • In Southeast Asia:
    • Guam: 30,708 speak Chamorro at home (2000 Census).
    • Northern Mariana Islands: 14,205 speakers of Chamorro (Source).
    • The Philippines: some sources point that Spanish is estimated to have around 1,816,389 speakers in the Philippines (Source), while others estimate this number to be as high as 3,108,000 (Source). It was the official language of the country until 1987. Chavacano is also present, with 607,000 speakers (2000 census).

NOTE: The labels given to the sources of information provided in the legend are of four different types:

  1. The label "XXXX Census" means that the source comes from an official census.
  2. The label "CIA WF" means that that the source comes from the CIA World Factbook.
  3. The label "Source: [Official Website]" means that the source comes from an official website.
  4. The simple label "Source" means that that the source comes from somewhere else, and therefore it should be replaced by a reliable source.

[edit] Licensing

Public domain This image has been released into the public domain by its author, Onofre_Bouvila. This applies worldwide.

In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so:
Onofre_Bouvila grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

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Klicke auf einen Zeitpunkt, um diese Version zu laden.

Version vomBenutzerMaßeDateigrößeKommentar
aktuell04:47, 6. Mär. 2008Ronaldmolina201.427×62849 KB
23:54, 22. Feb. 2008The Ogre1.427×62849 KB{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
22:07, 20. Feb. 2008Serg!o1.427×62849 KBRecuperada img original referenciada (29abril07 por O.B.) > Véase desc.
05:38, 7. Aug. 2007Christopher Sundita1.427×62830 KB
07:07, 6. Aug. 2007Christopher Sundita1.427×62830 KBUpdated map by removing shading of areas that do not have significant and notable numbers of Spanish speakers.
23:33, 12. Jun. 2007P. B. Mann1.427×62824 KBcompressed using pngout
02:30, 9. Jun. 2007Onofre Bouvila1.427×62849 KB
17:15, 8. Jun. 2007Granadin1.427×62851 KB
15:27, 1. Jun. 2007Yug1.427×62851 KBNew improved version by user:João Felipe C.S
02:27, 29. Apr. 2007Onofre Bouvila1.427×62849 KB{{Information |Description=Map of the Hispanophone. |Source=self-made |Date=April 29, 2007 |Author= Onofre Bouvila }}
04:29, 8. Mär. 2007Christopher Sundita1.427×62842 KBremoved colors from Western Sahara & Philippines
15:19, 26. Feb. 2007Huhsunqu1.427×62861 KBNuevos colores; California y Texas con más del 30%
10:11, 25. Feb. 2007Christopher Sundita1.427×62830 KBRemoved color from Philippines (Spanish isn't spoken there anymore).
17:23, 9. Aug. 2006Satesclop1.427×62848 KB
09:10, 26. Jul. 2006Samulili1.357×62846 KBReverted to earlier revision
19:50, 25. Jul. 2006Satesclop1.357×62846 KB
19:58, 12. Mai 2006George McFinnigan1.357×62846 KB
19:03, 30. Apr. 2006Huhsunqu1.357×62846 KB
06:43, 25. Apr. 2006Al-Andalus1.357×62847 KB
17:24, 5. Apr. 2006Gabri1.357×62846 KB
23:52, 1. Mär. 2006Huhsunqu1.357×62845 KB
14:14, 10. Dez. 2005Yug1.357×62825 KBMap of Hispanophone world. Map made from Image:BlankMap-World.png {{PD-user|Yug}} Category:World maps

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