C. H. Dodd
Oddi ar Wicipedia
Diwinydd ac awdur oedd Charles Harold Dodd (7 Ebrill 1884 – 21 Medi 1973).
Cafodd ei eni yn Wrecsam. Brawd yr hanesydd A. H. Dodd oedd ef.
[golygu] Llyfryddiaeth
- The Meaning of Paul for Today (1920)
- The Authority of the Bible (1928)
- The Leader (1930) booklet
- Epistle of Paul to the Romans (1932)
- The Framework of the Gospel Narrative (1932)
- The Mind of Paul: A Psychological Approach (1933)
- The Bible and its Background (1935)
- The Bible and the Greeks (1935)
- The Parables of the Kingdom (1935)
- The Apostolic Preaching and its Developments: Three Lectures with an Eschatology and History (1936)
- The First Epistle of John and the Fourth Gospel (1937)
- History and the Gospel (1938)
- The Bible Today (1946)
- The Johannine Epistles (1946) Moffatt Commentary
- About the Gospels (1950)
- The Coming of Christ: Four Broadcast Addresses for the Season of Advent (1951)
- Gospel and Law: The Relation of Faith and Ethics in Early Christianity (1951)
- According to the Scriptures: The Substructure of New Testament Theology (1952)
- Christianity and the Reconciliation of the Nations (1952)
- Man In God's Design According to the New Testament (1953) gyda Panagiotis Bratsiotis, R. Bultmann, a Henri Clavier
- The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (1953)
- New Testament Studies (1953)
- The Dialogue Form in the Gospels (1954/55)
- Benefits of His Passion (1956)
- How to Read the Gospels (1956)
- Triptych (1958)
- Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel (1963)
- More New Testament Studies (1968)
- The Founder of Christianity (1970)
[golygu] Dolennau allanol
- Cofiant (yn Almaeneg)