साचा:InterWiki MarathiUsers
Wikipedia कडून
InterWiki MarathiUsers,Wikipedia Embassy from Marathi Wikipedia(आंतरविकि दूतावास) invites you to Marathi Wikipedia!This template shall keep you informed about support and contribution required in various Marathi Wikipedia articles in times to come.
- Article nominated for peer review on Marathi Wikipedia is गोदावरी नदी .
- Article nominated for collaboration of the month is दीपावली
- Atricle nomiated for English to Marathi translation isसाबूदाण्याची खीर
- Marathi Wikipedia help page
- List of Marathi Fonts and editors
- Discussion Page
- email list]
We need help in improving this Template (Category: Wikipedia multilingual coordination) specialy making box and short but comprehensive.
Please discuss at talk page of this Template before making any change to this Template.
- This Template will be placed on Talk pages of Marathi Langauge users working on other(English/Hindi) language Wikipedia.So that they can be infomed of Marathi Wiki priorities/Peer review requirements/Common projects etc.We need help if RSS or some bot can be used to do this activity.
या पानावरील बदल हे सर्व नवीन सदस्यांना ताबडतोब दिसतात, म्हणून कृपया बदल सुचवण्यासाठी चर्चा या पानाचा वापर करा.
This Template is used in english wikipedia at en:Template:User_interwiki_infoboard_mr
See Wikipedia:Welcome templates for alternative welcome templates.
- This Template will be placed on Talk pages of Marathi Langauge users working on other(Enlish/Hindi) language Wikipedia.So that they can be infomed of Marathi Wiki priorities/Peer review requirements/Common projects.We need help if RSS or some bot can be used to do this activity.