Feleknas Uca
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Melayu
Feleknas Uca (lahir September 17, 1976) adalah seorang ahli Parlimen Eropah untuk Parti Demokratik Sosialisme (PDS) Jerman kiri. Dia pada suatu waktu telah menjadi satu-satunya ahli parlimen Yazidi sehingga perundangan Irak telah dipilih pada 2005.
Feleknas Uca dilahirkan di Celle, Saxony Rendah, Jerman ke sebuah keluarga Kurdistan. Dia berijazah dari Comprehensive School di Celle sebelum mengambil sebuah apprenticeship sebagai pembantu doktor, dan menamatkan Abiturnya dengan pelajaran jauhan.
In 1999, aged 22, she was elected to the European Parliament fifth of six places on the PDS national list. In the 5th European Parliament (1999-2004), she sat on the Parliament's committees on Culture, Education and the Media and Equal Opportunities. She maintained close links with far left groups in Turkey and, in particular, Kurdish nationalist groups. She was a member of the EU-Turkey joint parliamentary committee, and was an outspoken supporter of jailed Turkish Kurd politician Leyla Zana.
In the PDS' selection of candidates for elections to the 6th European Parliament (2004-2009), Uca slipped to seventh place on the PDS national list, putting her seat under severe pressure. However, in the elections, the PDS secured a slightly increased share of the vote and she was returned in the last successful place.
Pada 2006, Feleknas Uca masih dara dan tinggal di Celle.