Overleg gebruiker:Ricksulman
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Moi Ricksulman, welkom op wiki, ik zag je artikel over Hamningberg, mooie foto's, heb je nog meer info over Noord Noorwegen?, altijd welkom :-), In ieder geval veel plezier hier. Mocht je vragen hebben, stel ze gerust op mijn op (=overlegpagina) Peter boelens 28 okt 2006 09:50 (CEST)
Er gaat nog meer komen. Ben al druk bezig. Zie Varanger. Moet alleen nog even goed uitvogelen hoe alles werkt. ricksulman 28 okt 2006 18:03 (CEST)
Hello, my name is Marcus and I wonder what your connections to Hamningberg, Norway are. Could it be that you know of the deceased Edvald Svendsen? If you want to contact me my e-mail is punica_granatum149@hotmail.com, or leave a note on this page within the next month and i'll check it out. Regards/Marcus (Sweden)
Hi Marcus. I don't know this man. I was in Hamningberg last summer during my visit to nothern Norway, Sweden and Finland. Hamningberg was one of the most impressive places on earth I have ever been....
Hello again. Ok, i see, the reason i asked was because this man, i mentioned, (acctually this very one: http://foto.ravna.no/250/011706.jpg) hired out a house in Hamningberg to a couple from Holland during several summers. I thought perhaps you knew of them or even were one of them. Anyway, i agree that Hamningberg was an impressing place, i were there 97 and 98. Regards/Marcus (Sweden)