Wikipedia:Thank you for everything
Van Wikipedia
This page is meant for Dutch wikipedians to show their appreciation for the hard work the developers have done to get Wikimedia going again after the power outage
Thank you all for your hard work in getting wikipedia going again. I didn't realize how addicted I am untill wiki broke down totally. Thnx for all the time all of you put in. If any of you ever make it to Bangkok, Thailand I will buy you a meal. Wae®thtm©2005 23 feb 2005 10:22 (CET) And some flowers from me as well ...:
- Känsterle 23 feb 2005 10:25 (CET)
There is only so much that you can do for the projects when you are off line.. The frustration was high. Recorded 70 pronunciations wrote an article..
So it is great to have it back, I hope we will have few of these things happening.. Thanks for doing a great job, GerardM 23 feb 2005 10:29 (CET)
You only realize how much you take something for granted when it stops functioning... Thanks a lot! MartinD 23 feb 2005 10:38 (CET)
Thanks to keep the wiki online Walter 23 feb 2005 12:15 (CET)
Thanks pjetter 23 feb 2005 12:50 (CET)
Thanks Bontenbal 23 feb 2005 13:28 (CET)
thx for the wonderful work, almost everything is recovered :-) oscar 23 feb 2005 13:56 (CET)
Thanks! cicero 23 feb 2005 14:10 (CET)
Dank voor al het harde werk om Wikipedia weer in de lucht te krijgen. Ik merk nu pas dat ik geen dag zonder kan de dag dat Wikipedia volledig plat ging. Dank voor alle tijd die jullie er allemaal in stoppen. Als je ooit eens in Leidschenveen, Den Haag komt, kun je een hapje meeëten. Dedalus 23 feb 2005 10:33 (CET)
Thanks for all the work you have to keep Wikipedia working and improving. - André Engels
Thanks for the hard work causing a quick recovery! Jcb 23 feb 2005 19:41 (CET)
Puck 23 feb 2005 22:08 (CET)
Thanks for the work you did to get Wikipedia (and other Wikimediaprojects) online again. Firefox 23 feb 2005 23:55 (CET)
Thanks for the hard work under such a pressure to do it right and as fast as possible). You have done a fantastic job ! O E P 24 feb 2005 00:02 (CET)
Thanks!! Ch®is 24 feb 2005 07:53 (CET)
Must have been terrible hours knowing that so many people are eager to use Wikipedia. Well, now we can use Wikipedia and no edits were lost. Thanks for that great job! Robotje 24 feb 2005 08:44 (CET)
As someone also working in IT I know what you must have been going through. I hope it never happens again. Thanks for a job well done. Harm 25 feb 2005 01:40 (CET)
Deze pagina is bedoeld voor Nederlandse Wikipedianen om hun waardering te tonen voor de inzet die de ontwikkelaars hebben getoond om Wikimedia weer in de lucht te krijgen na de storing die begon op maandag 21 februari 2005, 23.15 uur Nederlandse tijd en ruim 24 uur duurde.