Yogi Berra
Van Wikipedia
Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra (12 mei 1925) is een voormalig Amerikaanse honkbalspeler, die bijna z'n hele carrière bij de New York Yankees heeft gespeeld. Hij heeft een respectabele sportcarrière achter zich, en is lid van de Baseball Hall of Fame. Buiten het honkbal is Yogi Berra vooral bekend vanwege zijn verschillende versprekingen en quasi-filosofische uitspraken, waardoor hij een soort cult-status heeft bereikt. Het Britse weekblad The Economist riep hem daarom in januari 2005 uit tot "wisest fool of the past 50 years." Ook de naam van de tekenfilmfiguur Yogi Bear is afgeleid van Yogi Berra.
[bewerk] Enkele uitspraken van Yogi
- "This is like deja vu all over again."
- "It ain't over until it is over" over honkbal wedstrijden; er kan nog veel kan gebeuren in de laatste minuten
- "You can observe a lot just by watching."
- "I'd find the fellow who lost it, and, if he was poor, I'd return it." Toen hij werd gevraagd wat hij zou doen als hij een miljoen dollar op straat zou vinden.
- "You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there."
- "I knew I was going to take the wrong train, so I left early."
- "If you don't know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else."
- "If you can't imitate him, don't copy him."
- "You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat eight."
- "Baseball is 90% mental -- the other half is physical."
- "It was impossible to get a conversation going; everybody was talking too much."
- "Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded."
- "It gets late early out there." Toen de zon vroeg onderging en voor slecht zicht zorgde op 't veld.
- "Do you mean now?" Toen iemand vroeg hoe laat het was.
- "I take a two hour nap, from one o'clock to four."
- "If you come to a fork in the road, take it."
- "You give 100 percent in the first half of the game, and if that isn't enough in the second half you give what's left."
- "90% of the putts that are short don't go in."
- "I made a wrong mistake."
- "I always thought that record would stand until it was broken."
- "Why buy good luggage? You only use it when you travel."
- "It's never happened in the World Series competition, and it still hasn't."
- "It ain't the heat; it's the humility."
- "You should always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't come to yours."
- "I didn't really say everything I said."
- "It's very dangerous to make predictions, especially about the future."
- "The future ain't what it used to be."