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Lombardy-flag.svg (900 × 600 pikseli, rozmiar pliku: 4 KB, typ MIME: image/svg+xml)
![]() | Plik Lombardy-flag.svg [ edytuj opis ] umieszczony jest w Wikimedia Commons, repozytorium wolnych zasobów projektów Fundacji Wikimedia. Wyjaśnienie podanej poniżej licencji znajdziesz na stronie Opisy licencji grafiki. |
This image is an exact duplicate or scaled-down version of: image:Flag of Lombardy.svg There should be only one copy of an image. After replacing all instances with the preferred image, the others should be speedily deleted. If you are the uploader of this file, and it's not yet used on other projects (check usage), consider using {{badname}}
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The flag of Lombardy. Adapted from an image that cannot be copyrighted.
There is also the Coat of Arms of Lombardy:
- Corrected 2:3 proportions. --F l a n k e r 10:57, 13 January 2007 (UTC)
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English: I, Aaæ, original creator of this image, hereby grant permission to copy, distribute and/or modify this image under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 and 1.2, as published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. This is subject to disclaimers and exceptions.
Norsk (bokmål): Jeg, Aaæ, opphavspersonen til dette bildet, gir herved tillatelse til å kopiere, distribuere og/eller modifisere dette bildet under vilkårene angitt i GNU Free Documentation License, versjon 1.1 og 1.2, publisert av Free Software Foundation, uten invariante seksjoner, uten forsidetekst og uten baksidetekst. Denne tillatelsen er gjenstand for forbehold og unntak.
Polski: Ja, Aeæ, twórca tej grafiki, wyrażam zgodę na kopiowanie, dystrybucję i/lub modyfikację tej grafiki na warunkach licencji GNU Free Documentation License w wersji 1.2 lub nowszej, opublikowanej przez Free Software Foundation; bez Sekcji Niezmiennych i bez Treści Okładek. Licencja podlega zrzeczeniom i wyjątkom.
Scots: I Aeæ, first makr o this eemage, luit ye copy, gie oot, an/or cheenge this eemage unner the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 an' 1.2, as gin the Free Software Foundation; athoot Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, an Back-Cover Texts. Disclaimers and exceptions applee.
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