Francisco de Quevedo
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Santibáñez Villegas (Madrid, 17 de Setembro de 1580 — Villanueva de los Infantes, Cidade Real, 8 de Setembro de 1645) foi um escritor do século de ouro espanhol.
==Biografia== Of a family noble, the infancy of Quevedo was transferred in the Cut, where the parents played high positions. The father, Francisco Gómez de Quevedo, was secretary of the princess Maria, wife of Maximiliano of Germany, and its mother, María de Santibáñez, were camareira of the queen. Youngster still, sobredotado intellectually, but of disformes feet, lame person of a leg, short fat person and of sight, became orphan the six years of age, taking refuge itself in the books that [consulted in the Imperial College of [Jesuit]] s of Madrid. In 1596 frequentou University of Alcalá de Henares. It used to advantage to deepen its knowledge in some branches, as in philosophy, classic languages, árabe, hebreu, francês language and italiano language. In Valladolid, where it folloied the cut when this for was changed by order of there Duke of Lerma, also studied theology - later it would produce also some workmanships theological, as treated against ateísmo Providencia de Dios . Already in this height poet destava itself as, appearing in the anthology of Peter Espinosa Flowers of illustrious poets (1605), despite the set of its workmanship has been edited postumamente, and being classified inside of Baroque Conceptismo [[]]. Also already he had written, then, as amusement cortesão, the first version of a picaresco romance intitled Vida del Buscón , that célebre became enters the students of the height. Already he established however, some contacts epistolares with humanists as Just Lipsio, where he deplored the wars that mined the Europe, as if it can verify in the epistolário congregated for Luis Astrana Marín. There having the directed Cut the Madrid, Quevedo returns in 1606 and inhabits until 1611, where it will work in the craft of the letters, earning the friendship of Félix Lope de Vega (that it praises it for diverse times in its books of Rimas ; as well as Quevedo makes critical equally elogiosas to its Rimas divine human beings y of Tomé Burguillos, its heterónimo) and of Miguel de Cervantes (that it praises it in Viaje del Parnaso ; corresponding Quevedo to it with the elogiosos commentaries of Perinola ), that it aompanhava it in the Brotherhood of the slaves of the Santíssimo Sacramento; on the other hand, [attacked without mercy the dramaturgos [Juan Ruiz de Alarcón]], that it ridicularizava making mention to its physical defects (ruivo and corcunda), in cruel commentaries that take it until the a disformidade, and of Juan Pérez de Montalbán, son of a bookseller with who Quevedo had had some disputes, and against who wrote La Perinola, cruel satire to its miscellaneous book For all . But the most attacked it was, without a doubt, Luis de Góngora, to who directed a series of terrible satires, accusing it to be a priest infuriates, homosexual, and obscure, baralhado and indecent writer. In its defense it can be said that also Góngora attacked it of form almost equally virulent. , However narrow a great friendship with Peter Téllez Girón, Duke of Osuna, that [1613 will follow in the secretary function Italy in []], visiting Nize and Venice. The Madrid will still come back, to the service of this Sir to bribe (“to dip in grease hands”, as he himself will write) all those that Duke of Lerma has influence next to [[]], of form to obtain the nomination of Osuna toward vice-king of Naples - objectivo that] will reach in [[1616]. ] Came back later [[Italy] where the Duke puted in charge it to direct and to organize the farm of the vice-king, beyond playing other missions - some of them related with espionage in the Republic of Venice, obtaining, for these services, to get the habit of Santiago in 1618. With the fall politics of Duke of Osuna, Quevedo equally is dragged stops far from the cut, as one of its men reliable. It was, then, exiled in 1620 for Tower of Juan Abad (Real Ciudad), whose domínios had been bought for it, for its mother, before dying. Its neighbors had not recognized, however, the transaction, of form that Quevedo will be remained in lawsuits judicial against the advice of the locality - the sentence in favor of the writer alone will be sharp after its death, in the person of it it sweats nephew and heir. It arrived at its disputed lands on its mare, “Scoto”, thus called making reference Escoto, known for the one for a subtileza that also the animal would characterize, as counts in one of its romances. Moved away from the tormentosas you intrigue of the cut, solo with its proper conscience, will write some of its more celebrated poetries, as soneto “Removed La Paz of desiertos estos…” or “Sound las towers of Joray…” going to search consolation spiritual of its ambitions cortesãs to the estóica doctrine of Séneca, whose workmanship it will study and comment, becoming itself into one of the main exponents of Spanish Neo-estoicismo. The entronização of Filipe IV would take to the suspension of its deportation and when renascer of its ambitions politics, now under the influence of Conde Duque de Olivares. Quevedo will follow the young king in trips to Andalusia and Aragão, and will describe some of its amused incidences in some of its letters. However, it denounces its proper workmanships to the Inquisition, since some booksellers had printed matter and rank to circulate it many of its satirical parts, gaining money to its costs. The intention of Quevedo was, not alone to scare them, but also to open way to a complete edition of its workmanships that was not arrived to materialize. It led, then, a disordered life of will solteirão: it smokes very, it drinks (Góngora calls it consummated bêbedo) and frequenta the brothels, despite alive amacebado with one such of Ledesma. However, he will be secretary of the monarch in 1632, that its took so estouvada life how much. The pressures cortesãs on its friend, the Duke of Medinaceli, compel-in marrying against its will with Dona Esperanza de Aragón, Mrs. of Cetina, widower and with children. The matrimónio will last only three months, finishing with a divócio very commented in 1636. They are years of feverish creative activity. In 1634 publishes La cuna y la sepulture and the translation of La introducción la devoted life of Francisco de Sales; of 1633 1635 writes workmanships as Of remedios los of cualquier richness , Epicteto , militant Virtud , Las cuatro ghosts , the second part of Politics of Dios , Visit y anatomía of la cabeza del cardenal Richelieu or Letter Luis XIII . In 1635 it appears in the Valence most important of the deestinados libels to defame it: El court of la joust venganza, erected against los written of Francisco de Quevedo, teacher of errores, doctor en desvergüenzas, permitted en bufonerías, to bachiller en suciedades, university professor of vicios y protodiablo between los hombres (“Court of the joust revenge, erected against the writings of Francisco de Quevedo, master of errors, doctor in desvergonhas, permitted in chocarrices, bachelor in dirtiness, university professor in vices and protodiabo between the men.” In 1639, after a memorial that appeared underneath of the napkin of the king, Sacra, catholic, Caesarean, real Majestad… , where she was denounced the politics of the Conde Duque, was withheld, had confiscated books to it and is taken for the convent of Is Marcos de Leão. After freed of this shameful arrest, one leaves for the Tower of Juan Abad. It will be in its neighborhood, in the convent of the Dominican0s priests de Villanueva of los Infants, who will die, the 8 of September of 1645. Its workmanships very had been badly reconhidas and edited for Jose González of Rooms, who is not worried in retouching the texts, in 1648: El Parnaso español, mount en of cumbres divided, con las nueve Muses ; also very badly made it is the edition of its nephew and heir: Peter Alderete, in 1670: Las tres castellanas last Muses .
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[editar] Obras políticas
- Política de Dios, gobierno de Cristo y tiranía de Satanás, escrita em 1617 e impressa em 1635, onde tenta inferir uma doutrina política a partir dos Evangelhos.
- Vida de Marco Bruto, 1644, onde desenvolve a biografia do famosos assasino de César, escrita por Plutarco, com um rigor quase matemático e onde o estilo conceptista atinge um nível praticamente inimitável.
- Mundo caduco y desvaríos de la edad (escrita em 1621, editada em 1852)
- Grandes anales de quince días (1621, ed. en 1788), análise da transição dos reinados de Filipe III e Filipe IV.
- Lince de Italia y zahorí español (1628, ed. em 1852).
- El chitón de Tarabillas (1630),onde critica as disposições económicas do Conde-Duque de Olivares , insinuando a sua ascendência judaica.
- Execración contra los judíos (1633), texto de cariz antisemita onde faz acusações, de forma velada, contra Dom Gaspar de Guzmán, Conde-Duque de Olivares, valido de Filipe IV.
[editar] Obras ascéticas
- Providencia de Dios, 1641, tratado contra os ateus, onde tenta unificar o estoicismo com o cristianismo.
- Vida de san Pablo, 1644.
- Vida de Santo Tomás de Villanueva, 1620.
[editar] Obras filosóficas
- La cuna y la sepultura (1635).
- Las cuatro pestes del mundo y las cuatro fantasmas de la vida (1651).
[editar] Crítica literária
- La aguja de navegar cultos con con la receta para hacer Soledades en un día (1631), investida satírica contra os poetas que utilizam o estilo gongórico ou culterano.
- La culta latiniparla (1624), manual burlesco onde se ridiculariza o estilo gongórico.
- Cuento de cuentos (1626), onde demonstra o absurdo de alguns coloquialismos que carecem totalmente de significado.