Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

As the restrictions on this collection expired in 1986, the Library of Congress believes this image is in the public domain. However, the Carl Van Vechten estate has asked that use of Van Vechten’s photographs “preserve the integrity” of his work, i.e, that photographs not be colorized or cropped, and that proper credit is given to the photographer.
For more information consult Restrictions on Van Vechten Photographs. |
- de: Lizenzhinweis: Die Nutzung der Bilder wurde auf der Projektseite Fragen zum Urheberrecht dahingehend geklärt, dass die Verwendung der {PD-Van Vechten}-Bilder in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia statthaft ist.
- Portrait of Julian Green (1900-1998), by photographer Carl van Vechten, created/published 1933, Nov. 11.
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Carl Van Vechten collection, [reproduction number: LC-USZ62-42526 DLC]: The instrument of gift for this collection states that "for a period of 20 years from the date of this Instrument [1966], none of the photographs contained in said collection may be sold, reproduced, published or given away in any form whatsoever except with my [Saul Mauriber, Photographic Executor for Van Vechten] express permission in writing." This restriction expired in 1986.
Improved and cropped with image editor (contrast, brighness, density). villy 07:59, 5 Nov 2004 (UTC)
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