Usuário:Roger Keller Celeste
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
== Roger Keller Celeste ==
Biography: I was born in the city of Passo do Sobrado, central part of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 1974.
Graduated in Dentistry by the Federal University and took the Master Degree in Epidemiology and Dental Public Healh by the Univesity College London. Curently taking the PhD in Epidemiology in the Institute of Social Medicine, Rio de Janeiro.
Research Interest: Socialeconomic inequalities in Health.
Curriculum Vitae can be seen in the National Centre for the Development of Science and Technology[1]
Published article can be found at [2]
--Roger Keller Celeste 14:19, 2 Novembro 2006 (UTC)