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[modifică] Definiţii
Dictionary Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 2nd. ed. - J. STENESH Deoxyribonucleic acid: The nucleic acid (abbr DNA) that constitutes the genetic material in most organisms and that is composed of the genes; together with histones it makes up the chromosomes of higher organisms. DNA is a polynucleotide that is characterized by its con- tent of 2-deoxy-D-ribose and the pyrimidines cytosine and thymine. See also DNA forms; Watson-Crick model.
Oxford Dictionary Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology - 1997, Oxford University Press. DNA abbr. and common name for deoxyribonucleate (def. 1), or deoxyribonucleic acid; one of the two main types of nucleic acid, consisting of a long, unbranched macromolecule formed from one, or more commonly, two, strands of linked deoxyribo- nucleotides, the 3'-phosphate group of each constituent de- oxyribonucleotide being joined in 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage to the 5'-hydroxyl group of the deoxyribose moiety of the next one. Compare RNA. The absence of a 2'-hydroxyl group on each deoxyribose moiety renders these phosphodiester link- ages resistant to hydrolytic attack by alkali, in contrast to those of RNA. A DNA strand, unless circular, has polarity, with one 5' end and one 3' end, the two strands in duplex DNA having opposed polarities. Two purines, adenine and guanine, and two pyrimidines, cytosine and thymine, are the major bases present. The linear sequence of the purine and pyrimi- dine bases carries genetic information, whereas the deoxy- sugar and phosphoric residues play a structural role; the base sequence is written in the 5'->3' direction. See also double helix. Specific forms, functions, molecules, or preparations of DNA may be designated by prefixes or suffixes, thus: A-DNA or DNA-A, A form of DNA; amDNA, anti-messenge DNA; B-DNA or DNA-B, B form of DNA; cDNA, complementar DNA; cccDNA, covalently closed circular DNA; C-DNA or DNA C, C form of DNA; ctDNA, chloroplast DNA; dsDNA, doubl strand(ed) DNA (see duplex DNA); iDNA, intercalary DNA msDNA, multicopy single-strand(ed) DNA; mtDNA, mitochondria DNA; nDNA, nuclear DNA; pDNA, plasmid DNA; rDNA, ri bosomal DNA; recDNA, recombinant DNA; rfDNA, replicative-for DNA; rtDNA, recombinant DNA; scDNA, single-copy DNA; ssDNA single-strand(ed) DNA; tDNA, transfer DNA; T-DNA, transfe DNA of the Ti plasmid. See full entry for T-DNA. Z-DNA o DNA-Z, Z form of DNA. Paul ✍ 23 noiembrie 2006 01:37 (EET)
[modifică] Miniona micuţă fiinţă
Mai are cineva impresia că miniona micuţă fiinţă Euglena nu prea are ce căuta în definiţia ADN-ului? Paul ✍ 23 noiembrie 2006 17:12 (EET)