Organizaţia Mondială a Proprietăţii Intelectuale
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Organizaţia Mondială a Proprietăţii Intelectuale (conform denumirii originale din engleză, [The] World Intellectual Property Organization sau WIPO) este una din agenţiile specializate ale Naţiunilor Unite. WIPO a fost creată în 1967 su scopul declarat de a încuraja activitatea creatoare şi promovarea proprietăţii intelectuale oriunde în lume. [1]
WIPO are în mod curent 183 de state membre, [2] administrează 23 de tratate internaţionale [3], având sediul mondial în Geneva, Elveţia. Actualul Director-General al WIPO este Kamil Idris.
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[modifică] Istoric
Organizaţia de aceeaşi factură, care a precedat WIPO a fost BIRPI (Bureaux Internationaux Réunis pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle, acronim din franceză însemnând Biroul Internaţional Unit pentru Protecţia Proprietăţii Intelectuale), care a fost fondat în 1893 pentru a administra Convenţia de la Berna pentru protejarea operelor literare şi artistice (conform, Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works) şi Convenţia de la Paris pentru protejarea proprietăţii industriale (conform, Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property).
WIPO a fost formal creată de Convenţia de creare a Organizaţiei Mondiale a Proprietăţii Intelectuale (conform, [the] Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization), care a fost semnată la Stockholm în 14 iulie 1967 şi confirmată la 28 septembrie 1979). Conform articolului 3 al acestei Convenţii, WIPO caută "să promoveze protecţia proprietăţii intelectuale în toată lumea (conform originalului, [seeks to] "promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world"). Mai târziu, în 1974, WIPO a devenit una din agenţiile specializate ale Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite.
Spre deosebire de alte agenţii ale Naţiunilor Unite, WIPO are semnificative resurse financiare ce sunt independente faţă de contribuţiile statelor membre. Spre exemplu, în 2006, se aşteaptă ca peste 90 % din venitul WIPO de circa 500 milioane CHF (franci elveţieni) să provină din colectarea de taxe de către International Bureau (IB) a aplicaţiilor pentru proprietate intelectuală, respectiv din registrarea sistemelor care sunt administrate de WIPO: Tratatul Cooperativ al Patentelor ([the] Patent Cooperation Treaty), Sistemul Madrid pentru mărci registrate (the Madrid system for trade marks) şi Sistemul Haga pentru Drepturile designului industrial ([the] Hague system for industrial designs).
[modifică] Critică
La fel ca majoritatea formelor multi-guvernamentale, WIPO nu este un organizaţie formată din persoane alese. Some argue that WIPO does not therefore act in the interests of citizens as the representatives of its member states are either not democratic or are highly abstracted government agencies which are only lobbied effectively by major corporations. WIPO usually attempts to reach decisions by consensus, but in any vote, each Member State is entitled to one vote, regardless of population or contribution to the funding. This is important, because there is a significant North-South divide in the politics of intellectual property. During the 1960s and 1970s, developing nations were able to block expansions to intellectual property treaties, such as universal pharmaceutical patents which might have occurred through WIPO.
In the 1980s, this led to the United States "forum shifting" intellectual property standard-setting out of WIPO and into the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which later evolved into the World Trade Organization, where the North had greater control of the agenda. This strategy paid dividends with the enactment of Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
Much of the important work is done through committees, including for example the Standing Committee on Patents (SCP), the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR), the Advisory Committee on Enforcement (ACE), and the Intergovernmental Committee (IGC) on Access to Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, and the Working Group on Reform of the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
In October 2004, WIPO agreed to "adopt a proposal offered by Argentina and Brazil, the "Proposal for the Establishment of a Development Agenda for WIPO" - from the Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization [4]. This proposal was well supported by developing countries, and by a large contingent of civil society. A number of civil society bodies have been working on a draft Access to Knowledge [5], or A2K, Treaty which they would like to see introduced.
[modifică] Note
- ↑ Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, signed at Stockholm on July 14 1967, Preamble, second paragraph.
- ↑ List of members states of WIPO
- ↑ Treates administered by WIPO
- ↑ Consumer Project on Technology web site, Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization
- ↑ Consumer Project on Technology web site, Access to Knowledge (A2K)
[modifică] Vezi şi
- Budapest Treaty
- Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization
- Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
- Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- Patent Law Treaty (PLT)
- Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT)
- Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy
- World Intellectual Wealth Organisation
- WIPO Copyright Treaty
- WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
- World Intellectual Property Day (April 26)
[modifică] Legături externe (în limba engleză)
- The official WIPO website
- Critics of the WIPO: CPTech, IP Justice, EFF, FSFE, FFII, Union for the Public Domain, CPSR-Peru and many other NGOs
- May 10 2004, Geneva: WIPO Geneva Patent Policy Session
- 2003/2004: Wipo bangs the Drum - WIPO has just published a brochure, "Intellectual Property - A Power Tool for Economic Growth", aimed at policy-makers in businesses and governments worldwide, and as the preface puts it, "written from a definite perspective -- that IP is good".
- Substantive Patent Law Treaty(SPLT) Draft: Unlimited Patentability and Strict Limits on Patent Quality to be hardcoded into international law.
- 2003, Geneva: Background on WIPO Sisule F Musungu and Graham Dutfield, Multilateral agreements and a TRIPS-plus world: The World Intellectual Property Organisation
Format:World Intellectual Property Organization