Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun regizor
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Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun regizor (în engleză Academy Award for Directing) este este unul dintre premiile Oscar, acordate de „Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences”.
An | Regizor | Film |
2006 | Martin Scorsese | Cârtiţa (The Departed) |
2005 | Ang Lee | Brokeback Mountain |
2004 | Clint Eastwood | O fată de milioane (Million Dollar Baby) |
2003 | Peter Jackson | Stăpânul Inelelor: Întoarcerea Regelui (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) |
2002 | Roman Polanski | Pianistul (The Pianist) |
2001 | Ron Howard | O minte sclipitoare (A Beautiful Mind) |
2000 | Steven Soderbergh | Trafic (Traffic) |
1999 | Sam Mendes | American Beauty |
1998 | Steven Spielberg | Salvaţi soldatul Ryan (Saving Private Ryan) |
1997 | James Cameron | Titanic |
1996 | Anthony Minghella | Pacientul englez (The English Patient) |
1995 | Mel Gibson | Inimă neînfricată (Braveheart) |
1994 | Robert Zemeckis | Forrest Gump |
1993 | Steven Spielberg | Lista lui Schindler (Schindler's List) |
1992 | Clint Eastwood | Necruţătorul (Unforgiven) |
1991 | Jonathan Demme | Tăcerea mieilor (The Silence of the Lambs) |
1990 | Kevin Costner | Dansând cu lupii (Dances with Wolves) |
1989 | Oliver Stone | Născut pe 4 iulie (Born on the Fourth of July) |
1988 | Barry Levinson | Rain Man |
1987 | Bernardo Bertolucci | Ultimul împărat (The Last Emperor) |
1986 | Oliver Stone | Plutonul (Platoon) |
1985 | Sydney Pollack | Departe de Africa (Out of Africa) |
1984 | Miloš Forman | Amadeus |
1983 | James L. Brooks | Vorbe de alint (Terms of Endearment) |
1982 | Richard Attenborough | Gandhi |
1981 | Warren Beatty | Reds |
1980 | Robert Redford | Ordinary People |
1979 | Robert Benton | Kramer vs. Kramer |
1978 | Michael Cimino | Vânătorul de cerbi (The Deer Hunter) |
1977 | Woody Allen | Annie Hall |
1976 | John G. Avildsen | Rocky |
1975 | Miloš Forman | Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) |
1974 | Francis Ford Coppola | Naşul II (The Godfather Part II) |
1973 | George Roy Hill | Cacialmaua (The Sting) |
1972 | Bob Fosse | Cabaret |
1971 | William Friedkin | Filiera Franceză (The French Connection) |
1970 | Franklin J. Schaffner | Patton |
1969 | John Schlesinger | Cowboyul de la miezul nopţii (Midnight Cowboy) |
1968 | Carol Reed | Oliver! |
1967 | Mike Nichols | Absolventul (The Graduate) |
1966 | Fred Zinnemann | Un om pentru toate anotimpurile (A Man for All Seasons) |
1965 | Robert Wise | Sunetul muzicii (The Sound of Music) |
1964 | George Cukor | My Fair Lady |
1963 | Tony Richardson | Tom Jones |
1962 | David Lean | Lawrence al Arabiei (Lawrence of Arabia) |
1961 | Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins | Poveste din cartierul de vest (West Side Story) |
1960 | Billy Wilder | Apartamentul (The Apartment) |
1959 | William Wyler | Ben-Hur |
1958 | Vincente Minnelli | Gigi |
1957 | David Lean | Podul de pe râul Kwai (The Bridge on the River Kwai) |
1956 | George Stevens | Uriaşul (Giant) |
1955 | Delbert Mann | Marty |
1954 | Elia Kazan | Pe chei (On the Waterfront) |
1953 | Fred Zinnemann | De aici în eternitate (From Here to Eternity) |
1952 | John Ford | The Quiet Man |
1951 | George Stevens | Un loc sub soare (A Place in the Sun) |
1950 | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | Totul despre Eva (All About Eve) |
1949 | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | A Letter to Three Wives |
1948 | John Huston | Comoara din Sierra Madre (The Treasure of the Sierra Madre) |
1947 | Elia Kazan | Pe cuvânt de onoare (Gentleman's Agreement) |
1946 | William Wyler | Cei mai frumoşi ani ai vieţii noastre (The Best Years of Our Lives) |
1945 | Billy Wilder | The Lost Weekend |
1944 | Leo McCarey | Going My Way |
1943 | Michael Curtiz | Casablanca |
1942 | William Wyler | Mrs. Miniver |
1941 | John Ford | Ce verde era valea mea (How Green Was My Valley) |
1940 | John Ford | Fructele mâniei (The Grapes of Wrath) |
1939 | Victor Fleming | Pe aripile vântului (Gone with the Wind) |
1938 | Frank Capra | Nu o poţi lua cu tine după moarte (You Can't Take It with You) |
1937 | Leo McCarey | The Awful Truth |
1936 | Frank Capra | Extravagantul Mr. Deeds (Mr. Deeds Goes to Town) |
1935 | John Ford | The Informer |
1934 | Frank Capra | S-a întâmplat într-o noapte (It Happened One Night) |
1932/1933 | Frank Lloyd | Cavalcada (Cavalcade) |
1931/1932 | Frank Borzage | Bad Girl |
1930/1931 | Norman Taurog | Skippy |
1929/1930 | Lewis Milestone | Pe frontul de Vest nimic nou (All Quiet on the Western Front) |
1928/1929 | Frank Lloyd | The Divine Lady |
1927/1928 | Lewis Milestone Frank Borzage |
Two Arabian Knights Seventh Heaven |