Frae Wikipedia
Malta, kent offeecially as the Republic o Malta (Maltese: Ir-Repubblika ta' Malta) is a wee island naition in the mids o the Mediterranian Sea. It lies Sooth o Sicilly, tae the east o Tunisia an North o Libya. The kintra's offeecial leids is Maltese an Inglis. Roman Catholicism is the maist muckle releegion on the island. The kintra o Malta haes chynged haunds monie times ower the years. It haes been aucht the Knights o St. John, the Frainch an syne the Breetish afore becomin a republic in 1974. Malta is the ae kintra in the hale warld that haes been awairdit the George Cross for its ettles durin WWII. It haes a replica o the George Cross on it banner. Syne 2004 it haes been pairt o the European Union an in 2008 it is set tae tak up the Euro.