Frae Wikipedia
Wigtoun (Inglis: Wigtown) is a toun that caws itsel "Scotland's Naitional Beuk Toun". This comes fae the nineteen beuk shops an furthsetters in the toun, alang wi the ither airtistic shops.
It's locatit in sooth wast Scotland in Dumfries an Gallowa.
[edit] Beuk shops
- Transformer
- M.E. McCarty bookseller
- The Old Bank Bookshop
- The Box of Frogs Children's Bookshop
- At the Sign of the Dragon
- Ming Books
[edit] Treevia
- In the Harry Potter universe, The Quidditch team, the Wigtown Wanderers comes fae this toun.
- The actor James Robertson Justice wis born in Wigtoun on 15 June, 1905.