Fratelli d'Italia
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[uredi - уреди] Stihovi na talijanskom
- Fratelli d'Italia,
- l'Italia s'è desta,
- dell'elmo di Scipio
- s'è cinta la testa.
- Dov'è la vittoria?
- Le porga la chioma,
- che schiava di Roma
- Iddio la creò.
- Stringiamoci a coorte,
- siam pronti alla morte.
- Siam pronti alla morte,
- l'Italia chiamò.
- Stringiamoci a coorte,
- siam pronti alla morte.
- Siam pronti alla morte,
- l'Italia chiamò!
- Noi fummo da secoli
- calpesti, derisi,
- perché non siam popoli,
- perché siam divisi.
- Raccolgaci un'unica
- bandiera, una speme:
- di fonderci insieme
- già l'ora suonò.
- Uniamoci, uniamoci,
- l'unione e l'amore
- rivelano ai popoli
- le vie del Signore.
- Giuriamo far libero
- il suolo natio:
- uniti, per Dio,
- chi vincer ci può?
- Dall'Alpi a Sicilia
- Dovunque è Legnano,
- Ogn'uom di Ferruccio
- Ha il core, ha la mano,
- I bimbi d'Italia
- Si chiaman Balilla,
- Il suon d'ogni squilla
- I Vespri suonò.
- Son giunchi che piegano
- Le spade vendute:
- Già l'Aquila d'Austria
- Le penne ha perdute.
- Il sangue d'Italia,
- Il sangue Polacco,
- Bevé, col cosacco,
- Ma il cor le bruciò.
[uredi - уреди] Prijevod na engleski
- Italian brothers,
- Italy has arisen,
- With Scipio's helmet
- binding her head.
- Where is Victory?
- Let her bow down,
- For God has made her
- The slave of Rome.
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- We for centuries
- Have been downtrodden and derided,
- Because we are not a people,
- Because we are divided.
- Let one flag, one hope
- Bring us together;
- The hour has struck
- For us to join forces.
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- Let us unite and love one another;
- For union and love
- Reveal to peoples
- The way of the Lord
- Let us swear to free
- Our native soil;
- If we are united under God,
- Who can conquer us?
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- From the Alps to Sicily,
- Everywhere it is Legnano;
- Every man has the heart
- and hand of Ferruccio.
- The children of Italy
- Are all called Balilla;
- Every trumpet blast
- Sounds the (Sicilian) Vespers.
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- Mercenary swords
- Are feeble reeds,
- And the Austrian eagle
- Has lost his plumes.
- This eagle that drunk the blood
- of Italy and Poland,
- together with the Cossack,
- But this has burned his gut.
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!
- Let us form a cohort,
- We are ready to die!
- We are ready to die!
- Italy has called!