From Wikipedia
වෘත්තීන් ලැයිස්තුව (List of occupations)
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The following is a list of jobs.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also External links
- Abbess (Abbess)
- Abbot (Abbot)
- ගණකාධිකාරි (Accountant)
- Acoustical Scientist (Acoustical Scientist)
- Actor (Actor)
- Actuary (Actuary)
- Administrator (Administrator)
- Advocate (Advocate)
- Aerospace engineer (Aerospace engineer)
- Agent (Agent)
- Agrarian (Agrarian)
- Agrologist (Agrologist)
- Agronomist (Agronomist)
- Air traffic controller (Air traffic controller)
- ගුවන් නැවියා (Airman)
- Alchemist (Alchemist)
- Alderman (Alderman)
- Alewyfe (Alewyfe)
- Almoner (Almoner)
- තානාපති (Ambassador)
- Anesthesiologist (Anesthesiologist)
- Analyst (Analyst)
- Animal trainer (Animal trainer)
- Anthropologist (Anthropologist)
- Antique dealer (Antique dealer)
- Apiarist (Apiarist)
- Arbiter (also Arbitrator) (Arbiter/Arbitrator)
- Arborist (Arborist)
- Archbishop (Archbishop)
- Archer (Archer)
- පුරා විද්යාඥයා (Archaeologist)
- Architect (Architect)
- Archivist (Archivist)
- Armourer (Armourer)
- Art director (Art director)
- Art therapist (Art therapist)
- Arts Manager (Arts Manager)
- Artist (Artist)
- Assayer (Assayer)
- Assassin (Assassin)
- Assessor (Assessor)
- දෛවඥයා (Astrologer)
- අභ්යවකාශගාමියා, අජටාකාශගාමියා (Astronaut)
- තාරකා විද්යාඥයා (Astronomer)
- Astrophysicist (Astrophysicist)
- මලල ක්රීඩකයා (Athlete)
- Attorney at law (Attorney at law)
- Auditor (Auditor)
- Au pair (Au pair)
- Author (Author)
- Aviator (Aviator)
- Background artist (Background artist)
- Bacteriologist (Bacteriologist)
- Bagger (Bagger)
- Bailiff (Bailiff)
- බක්කරේ , පාන් පුළුස්සන්නා (Baker)
- Balancemaker (Balancemaker)
- Balloonist (Balloonist)
- Bandit (Bandit)
- Banker (Banker)
- කරනවෑමියා, බාබර් (Barber)
- Bard (Bard)
- Bargeman (Bargeman)
- Barista (Barista)
- Barker (Barker)
- Bartender (also Barkeeper, Barman, Barmaid) (Bartender/Barkeeper/Barman/Barmaid)
- Basinbeater (Basinbeater)
- Basket maker (Basket maker)
- Bather (Bather)
- Beader (Beader)
- Beadle (Beadle)
- Beautician (Beautician)
- Beekeeper (Beekeeper)
- යදියා, හිඟන්නා (Beggar)
- Bellfounder (Bellfounder)
- Bellmaker (Bellmaker)
- Biographer (Biographer)
- ජීව විද්යාඥයා (Biologist)
- Biomedical Scientist (also BMS, Healthcare Scientist) (Biomedical Scientist)
- Bishop (Bishop)
- Blacksmith (Blacksmith)
- Boatbuilder (Boatbuilder)
- Boatman (Boatman)
- Boatswain (Boatswain)
- Boatwright (Boatwright)
- Bodger (Bodger)
- Bodyguard (Bodyguard)
- Bondbroker (Bondbroker)
- Bonecarver (Bonecarver)
- Bookbinder (Bookbinder)
- Bookkeeper (Bookkeeper)
- Bookseller (Bookseller)
- Bowyer (Bowyer)
- Brewer (Brewer)
- Bricker (also Brickbaker, Brickmaker) (Bricker/Brickbaker/Brickmaker)
- Bricklayer (Bricklayer)
- Broker (Broker)
- Bronzefounder (Bronzefounder)
- Brushbinder (Brushbinder)
- Budget Analyst (Budget Analyst)
- Builder (Builder)
- Bureaucrat (Bureaucrat)
- Burglar (Burglar)
- Business analyst (Business analyst)
- Business owner (Business owner)
- Busker (Busker)
- Butcher (Butcher)
- බට්ලර (Butler)
- Cab driver (Cab driver)
- Cabinet-maker (Cabinet maker)
- Caddy (Caddy)
- Calligrapher (Calligrapher)
- Cameraman (Cameraman)
- Canaller (Canaller)
- Cannoneer (Cannoneer)
- Capper (Capper)
- Captain (Captain)
- Cardinal (Cardinal - Catholicism)
- Cardiologist (Cardiologist)
- වඩුවා (Carpenter)
- සිතියම් ශිල්පියා/විද්යාඥයා (Cartographer)
- Cartoonist (Cartoonist)
- Cartwright (Cartwright)
- Carver (Carver)
- Cellist (Cellist)
- Censor (Censor)
- CEO (Chief Executive Officer) (CEO - Chief Executive Officer)
- CFO (Chief Financial Officer) (CFO - Chief Financial Officer)
- Chamberlain (Chamberlain)
- Chancellor (Chancellor)
- Chandler (candles) (Chandler - candles)
- Chandler (provisions) (Chandler - provisions)
- Chaplain (Chaplain)
- Chapman (Chapman)
- Cheesemaker (Cheesemaker)
- Chemical engineer (Chemical engineer)
- Chemist (Chemist)
- Chicken sexer (Chicken sexer)
- Chief of Police (Chief of Police)
- Chimney-sweeper (Chimney sweeper)
- Chiropodist (Chiropodist)
- Doctor of Chiropractic (Chiropractor/Doctor of Chiropractic)
- Choreographer (Choreographer)
- Circuit preacher (Circuit preacher)
- Civil servant (Civil servant)
- Civil engineer (Civil engineer)
- Clarinettist (Clarinettist)
- Cleaning staff (Cleaning staff)
- Clergymen (Clergymen)
- Clerk (Clerk)
- Clockmaker (Clockmaker)
- Clothier (Clothier)
- Clown (Clown)
- Coach (Coach)
- Coachmaker (Coachmaker)
- Coachman (Coachman)
- වෙරළාරක්ෂක සංවිධානයක සාමාජිකයකු (Coast guard)
- Cobbler (Cobbler)
- Cofferer (Cofferer)
- Combmaker (Combmaker)
- විකට නළුවා (Comedian)
- Compasssmith (Compasssmith)
- නිර්මාපකයා (Composer)
- Computer engineer (Computer engineer)
- Computer programmer (Computer programmer)
- Conductor (music) (Conductor - music)
- කොන්දොස්තර (Conductor - transportation)
- Confectioner (Confectioner)
- Conferencier (Conferencier)
- කොස්තාපල් - පොලිස්කාරයා හෝ පොලිස්කාරිය (Constable)
- Construction worker (Construction worker)
- Consul (Consul)
- Consultant (Consultant)
- Controller (Controller)
- Copyist (Copyist)
- අරක්කැමියා, කෝකියා (Cook)
- Cooper (Cooper)
- Coppersmith (Coppersmith)
- Copywriter (Copywriter)
- Cordwainer (Cordwainer)
- Coroner (Coroner)
- Corporate executive officer (Corporate executive officer)
- Corporate librarian (Corporate librarian)
- Corrector (Proof Reader/Corrector)
- Correspondent (Correspondent)
- Cosmetologist (Cosmetologist)
- රුසියානු අජටාකාශගාමියා (Astronaut/Cosmonaut
- Costermonger (Costermonger)
- Courier (Courier)
- Court jester (Court jester)
- අරෝහක ගොපල්ලා (Cowboy)
- Cowherd (Animal husbandry/Cowherd)
- CPA (Certified Public Accountant) (CPA - Certified Public Accountant)
- Crafter (Crafter)
- Crammer (Crammer)
- Crier (Crier)
- Crofter (Crofter)
- Crossbowyer (Crossbowyer)
- Cryptanalyst (Cryptanalyst)
- Cryptographer (Cryptographer)
- Cryptologist (Cryptologist)
- Cuillerer (Cuillerer)
- Culinary cooker (Culinary cooker)
- Curator (Curator)
- Currier (Currier)
- Custodian (Custodian)
- Customs officer (Customs officer)
- Cutler (Cutler)
- Dancer (Dancer)
- දන්ත වෛද්ය (Dentist)
- Deputy (Sheriff/Deputy law enforcement)
- Deputy (Deputy - parliamentary)
- Designer (Designer)
- Detective (Detective)
- Dietician (Dietician)
- Diplomat (Diplomat)
- Director (Director)
- Disc jockey (Disc jockey)
- Dishwasher (Dishwasher)
- Dispatcher (Dispatcher)
- Distiller (Distiller)
- Ditcher (Ditcher)
- කිමිදුම්කරුවා (Diver)
- Dock labourer (Dock labourer)
- Documentalist (Documentalist)
- වෛද්යවරයා, දොස්තර (Physician/Doctor)
- Dogcatcher (Dogcatcher)
- Dominatrix (Dominatrix)
- Doorman (Doorman)
- Dramatist (Dramatist)
- රෙදි වෙළෙන්දා (Draper)
- Drayman (Drayman)
- Dressmaker (Dressmaker)
- Dressman (Dressman)
- Drill instructor (Drill instructor)
- Driver (Driver)
- Drummer (Drummer)
- Drycooper (Drycooper)
- Drywaller (Drywaller)
- Dustman (Dustman)
- Dyer (Dyer)
- Illuminator (Illuminator)
- මායාකාරයා, විජ්ජාකාරයා, ඉන්ද්රජාලිකයා (Illusionist)
- Illustrator (Illustrator)
- Imam (Imam)
- Impersonator (Impersonator)
- Importer (Importer)
- Industrial designer (Industrial designer)
- Industrial engineer (Industrial engineer)
- කර්මාන්තඥයා (Industrialist)
- Information Technologist (Information Technologist)
- Inker (Inker)
- Innkeeper (Innkeeper)
- Instrumentmaker (musical) (Instrumentmaker - musical)
- Instrumentmaker (scientific) (Instrumentmaker - scientific)
- Instructor (Teacher - Instructor)
- Insurer (Insurer)
- Intelligence officer (Intelligence officer)
- Interior designer (Interior designer)
- Internist (Internist)
- Interpreter (Interpreter - communication)
- Interrogator (Interrogator)
- Inventor (Inventor)
- Investment Analysts (Investment Analysts)
- Investment Banker (Investment Banker)
- Investment Broker (Investment Broker)
- Invigilator (Invigilator)
- යකඩ බඩු වෙළෙන්දා (Ironmonger)
- Ironmaster (Ironmaster)
- හිරගෙදර නිලධරයා, ජේලර් (Jailer)
- මැණික් වෙළෙන්දා, මැණික් සාදන්නා (Jeweler)
- Jockey (Jockey)
- Joiner (Joiner)
- පත්ර කලාවේදියා, පුවත්පත් ලේඛකයා (Journalist)
- Judge (Judge)
- Juggler (Juggler)
- Jurist (Jurist)
- Kinesiologist (Kinesiologist)
- King (Monarch - King)
- Knifegrinder (Knifegrinder)
- Knifesmith (Knifesmith)
- නයිට්වරයා (Knight)
- Laboratory worker (Laboratory worker)
- Ladeler (Ladeler)
- Lady-in-waiting (Lady-in-waiting)
- Landlord (also Landlady) (Landlord also Landlady)
- Lanternmaker (Lanternmaker)
- Lamplighter (Lamplighter)
- Lauderer (Lauderer)
- Laundress (also Lavendar) (Laundress also Lavendar)
- Law enforcement agent (Law enforcement agent)
- නීතිඥයා (Lawyer)
- Latener (Latener)
- Leadworker (Leadworker)
- Learning mentor (Learning mentor)
- Leatherer (Leatherer)
- Lecturer (Lecturer)
- Lens grinder (Lens grinder)
- පුස්තකාලයාධිපති (Librarian)
- Librettist (Librettist)
- Lifeguard (Lifeguard)
- Lighthouse-keeper (Lighthouse-keeper)
- Lighting technician (Lighting technician)
- Limner (Limner)
- Linesman (Linesman)
- Linguist (Linguist)
- Linkman (Linkman)
- Loan officer (Loan officer)
- Locksmith (Locksmith)
- Loriner (Loriner)
- Lord Chamberlain (Lord Chamberlain)
- Lorist (Lorist)
- ගස් කපන්නා (Lumberjack)
- ගී පද රචකයා (Lyricist)
- Umbrella repairer (Umbrella repairer)
- Urban planner (Urban planner)
- Undertaker (Mortician - Undertaker)
- Upholder (Upholder)
- Upholsterer (Upholsterer)
- Usher (Usher)
- Valet (Valet)
- Ventriloquist (Ventriloquist)
- Verger (Sexton - Verger)
- Veterinarian (Veterinarian)
- Vibraphonist (Vibraphonist)
- Vicar (Vicar)
- Victualler (Victualler)
- Video-editor (Video editor)
- Vintner (Vintner)
- Violinist (Violinist)
- Wagoner (Wagoner)
- Wainwright (Wainwright)
- Waiter (also Waitress) (Waiter also Waitress)
- Watchman (Watchman)
- Weaponsmith (Weaponsmith)
- Weaver (Weaver)
- Webmaster (Webmaster)
- Welder (Welder)
- Wet nurse (Wet nurse)
- Wheelwright (also Wheeler) (Wheelwright also Wheeler)
- Whitesmith (Whitesmith)
- White-tawer (White-tawer)
- Window-dresser (Window dresser)
- Wine connoisseur (Wine connoisseur)
- Wiredrawer (Wiredrawer)
- Wiremonger (Wiremonger)
- Woodcarver (Woodcarver)
- Wood-cutter (Wood cutter)
- Woodturner (Woodturner)
- Wooler (Wooler)
- Wrangler (Wrangler)
- Winemaker (Winemaker)
- Wireless operator (Wireless operator)
- Writer (Writer)
- Xylophonist (Xylophonist)
- Zookeeper (Zookeeper)
- Zoologist (Zoologist)
[edit] තවද බලන්න
- Professions (World of Warcraft)
- List of titles
- list of people by occupation
[edit] අඩවියෙන් බැහැර පිටු