Abdullah Öcalan
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Abdullah 'Apo' Öcalan (born April 4, 1948), is the leader of the Kurdish terrorist group Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)
He was the leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party. Its current ideological foundation is revolutionary Marxism-Leninism and Kurdish nationalism. He was for many years in Syria, where he organized his fight against Turkey. In 1978 he had founded the party and was its leader until he was arrested. In 1984 he started the fight against Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey to get an independet kurdish state. He was captured in Kenya on February 15, 1999. CIA and the Turkish National Intelligence Agency (MIT) worked together so they got him, before he tries to get asylum in some other states. He had to leave Syria, because Turkey would declare war on its neighbour country, if Öcalan wouldn't leave the country.