From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Explanation of tests
Readability report for
readability grades:
Kincaid: 4.9 ARI: 6.4 Coleman-Liau: 13.2 Flesch Index: 76.3 Fog Index: 8.0 Lix: 33.6 = below school year 5 SMOG-Grading: 8.5
sentence info:
182 characters 37 words, average length 4.92 characters = 1.43 syllables 4 sentences, average length 9.2 words 50% (2) short sentences (at most 4 words) 0% (0) long sentences (at least 19 words) 5 paragraphs, average length 0.8 sentences 0% (0) questions 25% (1) passive sentences longest sent 17 wds at sent 3; shortest sent 2 wds at sent 2
word usage:
verb types: to be (1) auxiliary (0) types as % of total: conjunctions 5(2) pronouns 0(0) prepositions 11(4) nominalizations 0(0)
sentence beginnings:
pronoun (0) interrogative pronoun (0) article (1) subordinating conjunction (0) conjunction (0) preposition (0)
readability grades:
en:Kincaid: 4.9 en:ARI: 6.4 en:Coleman-Liau: 13.2 en:Flesch Index: 76.3 en:Fog Index: 8.0 en:Lix: 33.6 = below school year 5 en:SMOG-Grading: 8.5
sentence info:
182 en:characters 37 en:words, average length 4.92 characters = 1.43 en:syllables 4 en:sentences, average length 9.2 words 50% (2) short sentences (at most 4 words) 0% (0) long sentences (at least 19 words) 5 en:paragraphs, average length 0.8 sentences 0% (0) en:questions 25% (1) en:passive sentences longest sent 17 wds at sent 3; shortest sent 2 wds at sent 2
word usage:
en:verb types: to be (1) auxiliary (0) types as % of total: conjunctions 5(2) en:pronouns 0(0) en:prepositions 11(4)s 0(0)
sentence beginnings:
pronoun (0) en:interrogative pronoun (0) en:article (1) en:subordinating conjunction (0) conjunction (0) en:preposition (0)
Contents |
[edit] See also
[edit] Simple Wikipedia
[edit] English Wikipedia
- en:Category:Readability tests
- en:Readability
- en:Gunning-Fog Index
- en:Readability test
- en:Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test - Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease + Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
- en:SMOG Index
- en:Automated Readability Index
- en:Coleman-Liau Index
- en:Fry Readability Formula
[edit] External links
- Writing Sample Analyzer, reports on the Flesch Reading Ease, Fog Scale Level, and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level for a given piece of text.
- Writing Sample Analyzer, reports on the Flesch Reading Ease, Fog Scale Level, and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level for a given piece of text.
- Readability Analyzer, an online tool for measuring the Flesch Reading Ease, Grade level, and Gunning-Fog Index of given text.
- the Fry Readability Formula, provides a program for determining readability based on the Fry Readability Formula.
- TextQuest - readability analysis, computes the values of more than 60 readability formulas for 7 different languages.
- Readability Analysis, non-English readability tests from the University of Texas.
- Leicht Lesbar A Swiss site (in German) to calculate the text score
- GNU Style and Diction Command line programs to calculate score
- Online readability tool based on the Perl
Lingua::EN::Fathom module and the GNU Style program. Text to be analyzed must be on the web with a URL ending in .txt. Originally written as a resource for National Novel Writing Month participants.