From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For those of you who understand danish language please see the "in wikipedia" box.
Other visitors please just read it as a name in the crowd, since it's too complicated for my english vocabulary to translate it all.
When the "Babel"-function becomes active, it will be more fun. Codes are: Danish - I'm a Dane; English - pretty good reading/writing; Norwegian + Swedish - Some reading/understanding, but please no writing; German - Whatever I remember from school, basic meaning understood; Nederlands - Whatever looks like words from languages mentioned above is understood, almost easier than german...
For any contact, please use the link to my Danish usersite (In the box Other Languages) and write there, since I do not have time to check 7 watchlists every day with a job and two small children to take care of :-)
Edit is called "Redigér" in the danish version.