Photographic film
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Photographic film is a sheet of plastic used to record pictures. The plastic has been specially treated, so it is sensitive to light. That way, it is possible to record an invisible image with the plastic when it is exposed to light. Normal film is shipped in small canisters (boxes) that protect it from the light. A normal photographic film can hold up to 40 pictures. Once all pictures have been recorded, the film has to undergo a special chemical treatment. This is called developing a film. Through that treatment, the pictures become visible (you can see them), and the exposed film is no longer sensitive to light. Different kinds of films exist. Some require more light to be exposed than others. There are also special films which can record infrared light.
[edit] Uses
Films can only be used once. After that, it cannot be used again. When not in use, the film needs to be covered from light, otherwise it will record any lights that shine on it. This will make it useless to record a picture later on. Film comes in a can called canisters to cover it from lights rays.Film needs the right amount of light to make a picture. If the picture is too bright or too dark, it will not record correctly. The longer that the film keeps recording, the more light it will get. If what is being photographed is bright, it will be recorded faster. If it's darker, the film will need more time to record. Films that need less time to record the picture are known as "faster" film. Different speed of films are marked with an ISO number.The higher the number, the faster the films. Usual ISO numbers for films are 100, 200 and 400. Film can only make picture from focused lights, if there is no lens to focus light, the film will only turn white from receiving just the light. A film with an ISO level of 200 will need half the time to record a picture than a film with an ISO level of 100 (for the same scene).
Films also comes in different sizes.The usual camera film comes in metal cans or canisters, but there are other camera films that comes in paper wrappings or in single sheets.