Wonder Woman
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Wonder Woman is a superheroine, who appears in DC Comics. She is the one of the first and most famous superheroes to be female. She first came out in 1941 and was created by William Moulton Marston, a psychologist who believed that women could be strong and powerful as men. Many people think Marston was helped by his wife and based Wonder Woman on his mistress.
[edit] Story
In the comic book, Wonder Woman's real name is Princess Diana and is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, ruler of the Amazons (a race of female warriors from Greek mythology). She is found by Steve Trevor, a US Air Force pilot, and taken to the United States, where she becomes the superhero Wonder Woman. She has a magic lasso and the bulletproof bracelets, both of which help in fighting villains.
[edit] Other media
Wonder Woman had also appeared in animated cartoons, and in a live-action TV series in the 1970s with actress Lynda Carter, which made the character very famous.