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Woodworking is a skill. In woodworking, you cut, sand (make wood smooth).
[edit] Safety measures
When you are doing woodworking, be careful of any potential harm. Remember to wear safety goggles(a thing you wear to protect your eyes) or facemask (like safety goggles. but they protect your face). Do not wear long clothing, because it can get stuck in a tool.
[edit] Courses
There are a lot of woodworking classes, and lots of them are offered in middle schools.
In woodworking, the type of wood you get is very important. There are two types of wood: soft and hard wood. The words hard and soft wood comes from the type of tree it came from. So a hard pice of wood could be a soft wood.
There are a lot of tools that people use a lot during woodworking, such as sandpaper (used to make wood nice to touch), files, rasps (all used for trimming wood, cutting, etc), saws (cutting wood), and automatic saws (saws that use electricity to run).