Разговор о Википедији:Амбасада
Из пројекта Википедија
My name is Lea and I am working on a project about slivovitz in Serbia, but i can not find information about how much you produce per year. Also I need to know the everage consuption per year - per person.
Thank you very much; Lea snutsy82@hotmail.com
- Hello Lea, nice to hear you. Nobody knows truly how many slivovitza produce Serbia per year :))
I will try to find some info about that stuf. We will hear again... Golija
- here I am again...so:
acording to site above producing of slivovitza (šljivovica) in Serbia variating from 9.5 milion liters (1956) to 120,4 L (1969).
"najveći deo proizvodne šljive se koristi za proizvodnju rakije šljivovice – čija godišnja produkcija varira između 9,5 (1956) i 120,4 miliona litara (1969)"
Convert liters to galons: http://www.teaching-english-in-japan.net/conversion/gallons
With Regards. Golija
- Lea, also fell free to contact dr. Miladin M. Ševarlić from agronomic institute in Zemun. e-mail: milsevar@EUnet.yu
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[уреди] Превод
Превео сам ово писание на енглески, као што је Милош тражио Обрадовић Горан 19:20, 12 Дец 2004 (CET)
[уреди] Хрватско велепосланство
Хрватска Википедија има своју амбасаду, која се у хрватској зове велепосланство. Трбало би исправити грешку у овом чланку где стоји да хр. Википедија нема своју амбасаду. --Покрајац 21:28, 13 Дец 2004 (CET)
- Па, исправи :) --Милош Ранчић 21:46, 13 Дец 2004 (CET)
[уреди] Wikimania PR
It would be nice if also your Wikipedia could place the Wikimania PR banner on MediaWiki:Sitenotice. The text which should be used (translated into your language) is:
[[Слика:Wikimania-468x60-en.png|100px]] The first '''[http://www.wikimania.org International Wikimedia Conference]''' will take place in [[Frankfurt]] [[August 4|4.]]-[[August 8|8 August]]!
The text should be kept until August.
Greetings, 21:12, 16 мај 2005 (CEST)
[уреди] Општи хаос
Ову страницу би под хитно требало преуредити да ми добила много бољи изглед, погледајте како су само то урадили словенци sl:Wikipedija:Veleposlaništvo. --Саша Стефановић ® ¿ 00:18, 20 септембар 2005 (CEST)
[уреди] Wikizine
Hi, I am w:nl:gebruiker:Walter of the dutch Wikipedia. I am writing you because your are listed as ambassador of your wiki. I have something to say that I think you will find useful and possibly others of your wiki also.
You know it is not easy for the members of a local wiki to be informed about what is going on in the higher levels of the Wikimedia family. This because of the language problem and the high level of fragmentation of places where you can find information.
I am now making a weekly news letter (Wikizine) that attempts to provide the news of the Wikimedia projects. The concept is to list only a very short description of the news an give the relevant url to the subject. I want it to be short, only give the news that is important for all projects. The target audience include the ambassadors. It is for people who are interested in what it going on outside there own wiki. I emphasize on the news that is practical-technical. The information comes form several "news"-pages on several wikis, the mailinglists and IRC. There will be news I can not discover. If you have news found somewhere or from you own wiki please let my know. wikizine AT wikipedia.be
I can only create one version in something that supposed to be English. I count on the readers to inform there local wiki about the news in there own language.
Wikizine is send by use of the mailinglist Announce-l. It is only used for this. So people can subscribe without being swamped by emails like the lists.
I hope that you and others of your wiki will subscribe to Wikizine and give feedback. So that Wikizine can become really a source where Wikimedians can find out what is going on. Greetings, w:nl:gebruiker:Walter PS: do not repond here. I will not see it.