Ayumi Hamasaki (浜崎 あゆみ Hamasaki Ayumi), född 2 oktober 1978 i Fukuoka-prefekturen, är en japansk popsångerska. Hon har vunnit stor berömmelse i hemlandet; detta främst hos tonårsflickor för sina jordnära och personliga sångtexter som många unga tjejer känner igen sig i.
Hon är även uppskattad av människor i Västsvärlden, och då oftast av tjejer och killar som har intresserat sig för japansk populärkultur. Hon har dock på senare tid börjar övergå från pop till mer rockiga låtar. Hon har medverkat i flera reklamfilmer, bl.a. för Panasonic och kaffedrycken Boss. Hon har även en egen TV-show kallad, ayu-ready.
Hon debuterade 1998 med låten Poker Face efter att ha tagit musiklektioner i New York. Hon har startat en eget märke, "ayupan", med bl.a. små samlarfigurer av ayumi och hennes hund, lunchboxar, pennskrin m.m.
Ayumi Hamasaki är en av världens mest remixade artister med hela 14 remix-album släppta. Mest kända är Ayu Trance 1, 2 och 3 som har blivit remixade av techno-artister som Mike Koglin och System F.
- 1999 - A Song for XX
- 1999 - LOVEppears
- 2000 - Duty
- 2001 - I am...
- 2002 - Rainbow
- 2003 - Memorial address
- 2004 - My Story
- 2006 - (miss)understood
- 2006 - Secret
- Ayu Trance
- Ayu Trance 2
- Ayu Trance 3
- Ayu-mi-x
- Ayu-mi-x II version Non-Stop Mega Mix
- Ayu-mi-x II version Acoustic Orchestra
- Ayu-mi-x II version US+EU
- Ayu-mi-x II version JPN
- Ayu-mi-x III Acoustic Orchestra Version
- Ayu-mi-x III Non-Stop Mega Mix Version
- Ayu-mi-x IV Acoustic Orchestra Version
- Ayu-mi-x IV Non-Stop Mega Mix Version
- Ayu-ro mix
- Ayu-ro mix 2
Years |
Awards |
1998 |
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Best New Artist (1998)
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Pop Album of the Year -- A Song for XX
1999 |
- -Japan Nailist Association- Nail Queen
- -All Japan Request Awards- Grand Prix
2000 |
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Pop Album of the Year -- LOVEppears
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Single of the Year -- A
- -The Japan Record Awards- Best Album -- Duty
- -The Japan Record Awards- Gold Prize -- SEASONS
- -Japan Nailist Association- Nail Queen
2001 |
- -MTV JAPAN Video Music Awards- Best Female Artist
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Song of the Year -- M
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Song of the Year -- SEASONS
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Pop Album of the Year -- Duty
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Artist of the Year
- -Japan Cable Award- Grand Prix
- -The Japan Record Awards- Gold Prize -- Dearest
- -The Japan Record Awards- The Award -- Dearest
- -MTV World Music Awards- Best Japanese Pop/Rock Artist
- -MTV World Music Awards- World's Best-Selling Asian Artist
- -Japan Nailist Association - Nail Queen
- -Un-sorted - Barbie Award
- -Best Jeanist Association- Best Jeanist of the year
- -130 million people choose best artist award - Best artist
2002 |
- -MTV ASIA Awards- Best Female Artist Award
- -MTV ASIA Awards- Most Influential Japanese Artist In Asia (special award)
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Pop Album of the Year -- A Best
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Pop Album of the Year -- I am...
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Artist of the Year
- -Japan Cable Award- Grand Prix
- -The Japan Record Awards- Gold Prize -- Voyage
- -The Japan Record Awards- The Award -- Voyage
- -All Japan Request Awards- Grand Prix
- -Japan Nailist Association - Nail Queen
- -130 million people choose best artist award - Best artist
- -Best Jeanist Association- Best Jeanist of the year
- -Un-sorted- All Japan Request Award
2003 |
- -MTV JAPAN Video Music Awards- Best Female Video -- Because of You
- -MTV JAPAN Video Music Awards- Best Pop Video -- No way to say
- -MTV JAPAN Video Music Awards- Best Live Performance Presented by ASAHI SUPER DRY
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Song of the Year -- Free&Easy
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Song of the Year -- H
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Song of the Year -- Voyage
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Rock/Pop Album of the Year -- A Ballads
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Rock/Pop Album of the Year -- &
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Rock/Pop Album of the Year -- Memorial address
- -Japan Gold Disc Awards- Artist of the Year
- -The Japan Record Awards- Gold Prize -- No way to say
- -The Japan Record Awards- The Award -- No way to say
- -130 million people choose best artist award - Best artist
- -All Japan Request Awards- Grand Prix
- -MTV World Music Awards- Best Japanese Pop/Rock Artist
- -Oricon Chart Awards- Best Selling Album Title Award
- -Oricon Chart Awards- Best Hit Award
- -Best Jeanist Association- Best Jeanist of the year
2004 |
- -HITO Awards Taiwan - Best foreign Artist
- -HITO Awards Japan - Moments
- -130 million people choose best artist award - Best artist
- -Best Jeanist Association- Best Jeanist of the year
2005 |
- -Best Jeanist-Best Jeanist - Now on Hall of Fame for winning best Jeanist 5 times.
- -130 million people choose best artist award - Best artist
- -HITO Awards Taiwan - Best foreign Artist
- -HITO Awards Japan - my name's WOMEN
- -Musicnet Awards - Best Album (MY STORY)
- -Best Selling solo and female Japanese Artist Awards (Worldwide Award)
2006 |
- -Best Looking Female Solo Artist Japan & China
- -Rank 2nd Total Female Artist Album Sales [1]
- -Rank 1st Total Female Artist Single Sales (more than 20,000,000 single copies)
- -Oricon Awards - Hat Beauty [2]
- -Oricon Awards - Summer Fashion Beauty [3]
- -Oricon Awards - Best Autumn Hairstyle
- -Oricon Awards - Best Skin
- -Musicnet Awards - Best Artist
- -Musicnet Awards - Best Album (miss) understood)
- -Musicnet Awards - Best Single (HEAVEN)
- -Musicnet Awards - Best Concert Video (Arena Tour 2005 ~MY STORY~)
- -CDTV Awards - My Fashion Leader