จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
[แก้] Q00-Q89 - รูปพิการและการแปลงรูป แต่กำเนิด
[แก้] (Q00-Q07) nervous system
- (Q00) Anencephaly and similar malformations
- (Q01) Encephalocele
- (Q02) Microcephaly
- (Q03) Congenital hydrocephalus
- (Q04) Other congenital malformations of brain
- (Q05) Spina bifida
- (Q06) Other congenital malformations of spinal cord
- (Q07) Other congenital malformations of nervous system
[แก้] (Q10-Q18) eye, ear, face and neck
- (Q10) Congenital malformations of eyelid, lacrimal apparatus and orbit
- (Q11) Anophthalmos, microphthalmos and macrophthalmos
- (Q12) Congenital lens malformations
- (Q13) Congenital malformations of anterior segment of eye
- (Q14) Congenital malformations of posterior segment of eye
- (Q15) Other congenital malformations of eye
- (Q150) Congenital glaucoma
- (Q16) Congenital malformations of ear causing impairment of hearing
- (Q17) Other congenital malformations of ear
- (Q18) Other congenital malformations of face and neck
[แก้] (Q20-Q28) circulatory system
- (Q20) Congenital malformations of cardiac chambers and connections
- (Q200) Common arterial trunk
- Persistent truncus arteriosus
- (Q201) Double outlet right ventricle
- (Q203) Discordant ventriculoarterial connection
- Dextrotransposition of aorta
- Transposition of great vessels (complete)
- (Q205) Discordant atrioventricular connection
- (Q21) Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
- (Q210) Ventricular septal defect
- (Q211) Atrial septal defect
- (Q212) Atrioventricular septal defect
- (Q213) Tetralogy of Fallot
- (Q218) Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa
- (Q22) Congenital malformations of pulmonary and tricuspid valves
- (Q220) Pulmonary valve atresia
- (Q221) Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis
- (Q222) Congenital pulmonary valve insufficiency
- (Q223) Other congenital malformations of pulmonary valve
- (Q224) Congenital tricuspid stenosis
- (Q225) Ebstein's anomaly
- (Q226) Hypoplastic right heart syndrome
- (Q228) Other congenital malformations of tricuspid valve
- (Q229) Congenital malformation of tricuspid valve, unspecified
- (Q23) Congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves
- (Q230) Congenital stenosis of aortic valve
- (Q234) Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
- (Q24) Other congenital malformations of heart
- (Q240) Dextrocardia
- (Q242) Cor triatriatum
- (Q25) Congenital malformations of great arteries
- (Q250) Patent ductus arteriosus
- (Q251) Coarctation of aorta
- (Q254) Other congenital malformations of aorta
- (Q25.42) Overriding aorta
- (Q255) Atresia of pulmonary artery
- (Q26) Congenital malformations of great veins
- (Q262) Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
- (Q268) Other congenital malformations of great veins
- (Q27) Other congenital malformations of peripheral vascular system
- (Q28) Other congenital malformations of circulatory system
[แก้] (Q30-Q34) respiratory system
- (Q30) [[Congenital malformations of nose
- (Q300) Choanal atresia
- (Q301) Agenesis and underdevelopment of nose
- (Q302) Fissured, notched and cleft nose
- (Q303) Congenital perforated nasal septum
- (Q308) Other congenital malformations of nose
- (Q309) Congenital malformation of nose, unspecified
- (Q31) Congenital malformations of larynx
- (Q310) Web of larynx
- (Q311) Congenital subglottic stenosis
- (Q312) Laryngeal hypoplasia
- (Q313) Laryngocele
- (Q315) Congenital laryngomalacia
- (Q318) Other congenital malformations of larynx
- (Q319) Congenital malformation of larynx, unspecified
- (Q32) Congenital malformations of trachea and bronchus
- (Q320) Congenital tracheomalacia
- (Q321) Other congenital malformations of trachea
- (Q322) Congenital bronchomalacia
- (Q323) Congenital stenosis of bronchus
- (Q324) Other congenital malformations of bronchus
- (Q33) Congenital malformations of lung
- (Q330) Congenital cystic lung
- (Q331) Accessory lobe of lung
- (Q332) Sequestration of lung
- (Q333) Agenesis of lung
- (Q334) Congenital bronchiectasis
- (Q335) Ectopic tissue in lung
- (Q336) Hypoplasia and dysplasia of lung
- (Q338) Other congenital malformations of lung
- (Q339) Congenital malformation of lung, unspecified
- (Q34) Other congenital malformations of respiratory system
- (Q340) Anomaly of pleura
- (Q341) Congenital cyst of mediastinum
- (Q348) Other specified congenital malformations of respiratory system
- (Q349) Congenital malformation of respiratory system, unspecified
[แก้] (Q35-Q45) digestive system
- (Q35) Cleft palate
- (Q36) Cleft lip
- (Q37) Cleft palate with cleft lip
- (Q38) Other congenital malformations of tongue, mouth and pharynx
- (Q380) Congenital malformations of lips, not elsewhere classified
- (Q387) Pharyngeal pouch
- (Q39) Congenital malformations of oesophagus
- (Q40) Other congenital malformations of upper alimentary tract
- (Q400) Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- (Q401) Congenital hiatus hernia
- (Q41) Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of small intestine
- (Q42) Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of large intestine
- (Q43) Other congenital malformations of intestine
- (Q430) Meckel's diverticulum
- (Q431) Hirschsprung's disease
- (Q432) Other congenital functional disorders of colon
- (Q433) Congenital malformations of intestinal fixation
- (Q434) Duplication of intestine
- (Q435) Ectopic anus
- (Q436) Congenital fistula of rectum and anus
- (Q437) Persistent cloaca
- (Q438) Other specified congenital malformations of intestine
- (Q44) Congenital malformations of gallbladder, bile ducts and liver
- (Q45) Other congenital malformations of digestive system
[แก้] (Q50-Q56) genital organs
- (Q50) Congenital malformations of ovaries, fallopian tubes and broad ligaments
- (Q51) Congenital malformations of uterus and cervix
- (Q52) Other congenital malformations of female genitalia
- (Q53) Undescended testicle
- (Q54) Hypospadias
- (Q55) Other congenital malformations of male genital organs
- (Q56) Indeterminate sex and pseudohermaphroditism
[แก้] (Q60-Q64) urinary system
- (Q60) Renal agenesis and other reduction defects of kidney
- (Q61) Cystic kidney disease
- (Q62) Congenital obstructive defects of renal pelvis and congenital malformations of ureter
- (Q63) Other congenital malformations of kidney
- (Q64) Other congenital malformations of urinary system
[แก้] (Q65-Q79) musculoskeletal system
- (Q65) Congenital deformities of hip
- (Q650) Congenital dislocation of hip, unilateral
- (Q651) Congenital dislocation of hip, bilateral
- (Q652) Congenital dislocation of hip, unspecified
- (Q653) Congenital subluxation of hip, unilateral
- (Q654) Congenital subluxation of hip, bilateral
- (Q655) Congenital subluxation of hip, unspecified
- (Q656) Unstable hip
- (Q658) Other congenital deformities of hip
- (Q659) Congenital deformity of hip, unspecified
- (Q66) Congenital deformities of feet
- (Q660) Talipes equinovarus
- (Q661) Talipes calcaneovarus
- (Q662) Metatarsus varus
- (Q663) Other congenital varus deformities of feet
- (Q664) Talipes calcaneovalgus
- (Q665) Congenital pes planus
- (Q666) Other congenital valgus deformities of feet
- (Q667) Pes cavus
- (Q668) Other congenital deformities of feet
- (Q669) Congenital deformity of feet, unspecified
- (Q67) Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of head, face, spine and chest
- (Q670) Facial asymmetry
- (Q671) Compression facies
- (Q672) Dolichocephaly
- (Q673) Plagiocephaly
- (Q674) Other congenital deformities of skull, face and jaw
- (Q675) Congenital deformity of spine
- (Q676) Pectus excavatum
- (Q677) Pectus carinatum
- (Q678) Other congenital deformities of chest
- (Q68) Other congenital musculoskeletal deformities
- (Q680) Congenital deformity of sternocleidomastoid muscle
- (Q681) Congenital deformity of hand
- (Q682) Congenital deformity of knee
- (Q683) Congenital bowing of femur
- (Q684) Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula
- (Q685) Congenital bowing of long bones of leg, unspecified
- (Q688) Other specified congenital musculoskeletal deformities
- (Q69) Polydactyly
- (Q690) Accessory finger(s)
- (Q691) Accessory thumb(s)
- (Q692) Accessory toe(s)
- (Q699) Polydactyly, unspecified
- (Q70) Syndactyly
- (Q700) Fused fingers
- (Q701) Webbed fingers
- (Q702) Fused toes
- (Q703) Webbed toes
- (Q704) Polysyndactyly
- (Q709) Syndactyly, unspecified
- (Q71) Reduction defects of upper limb
- (Q710) Congenital complete absence of upper limb(s)
- (Q711) Congenital absence of upper arm and forearm with hand present
- (Q712) Congenital absence of both forearm and hand
- (Q713) Congenital absence of hand and finger(s)
- (Q714) Longitudinal reduction defect of radius
- (Q715) Longitudinal reduction defect of ulna
- (Q716) Lobster-claw hand
- (Q718) Other reduction defects of upper limb(s)
- (Q719) Reduction defect of upper limb, unspecified
- (Q72) Reduction defects of lower limb
- (Q720) Congenital complete absence of lower limb(s)
- (Q721) Congenital absence of thigh and lower leg with foot present
- (Q722) Congenital absence of both lower leg and foot
- (Q723) Congenital absence of foot and toe(s)
- (Q724) Longitudinal reduction defect of femur
- (Q725) Longitudinal reduction defect of tibia
- (Q726) Longitudinal reduction defect of fibula
- (Q727) Split foot
- (Q728) Other reduction defects of lower limb(s)
- (Q729) Reduction defect of lower limb, unspecified
- (Q73) Reduction defects of unspecified limb
- (Q730) Congenital absence of unspecified limb(s)
- (Q731) Phocomelia, unspecified limb(s)
- (Q738) Other reduction defects of unspecified limb(s)
- (Q74) Other congenital malformations of limb(s)
- (Q740) Other congenital malformations of upper limb(s), including shoulder girdle
- (Q741) Congenital malformation of knee
- (Q742) Other congenital malformations of lower limb(s), including pelvic girdle
- (Q743) Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- (Q748) Other specified congenital malformations of limb(s)
- (Q749) Unspecified congenital malformation of limb(s)
- (Q75) Other congenital malformations of skull and face bones
- (Q750) Craniosynostosis
- (Q751) Craniofacial dysostosis
- (Q752) Hypertelorism
- (Q753) Macrocephaly
- (Q754) Mandibulofacial dysostosis
- (Q755) Oculomandibular dysostosis
- (Q758) Other specified congenital malformations of skull and face bones
- (Q759) Congenital malformation of skull and face bones, unspecified
- (Q76) Congenital malformations of spine and bony thorax
- (Q760) Spina bifida occulta
- (Q761) Klippel-Feil syndrome
- (Q762) Congenital spondylolisthesis
- (Q763) Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation
- (Q764) Other congenital malformations of spine, not associated with scoliosis
- (Q765) Cervical rib
- (Q766) Other congenital malformations of ribs
- (Q767) Congenital malformation of sternum
- (Q768) Other congenital malformations of bony thorax
- (Q769) Congenital malformation of bony thorax, unspecified
- (Q77) Osteochondrodysplasia with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine
- (Q770) Achondrogenesis
- (Q771) Thanatophoric short stature
- (Q772) Short rib syndrome
- (Q773) Chondrodysplasia punctata
- (Q774) Achondroplasia
- (Q775) Dystrophic dysplasia
- (Q776) Chondroectodermal dysplasia
- Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
- (Q777) Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
- (Q778) Other osteochondrodysplasia with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine
- (Q779) Osteochondrodysplasia with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine, unspecified
- (Q78) Other osteochondrodysplasias
- (Q780) Osteogenesis imperfecta
- (Q781) Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
- (Q782) Osteopetrosis
- (Q783) Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia
- (Q784) Enchondromatosis
- (Q785) Metaphyseal dysplasia
- (Q786) Multiple congenital exostoses
- (Q788) Other specified osteochondrodysplasias
- (Q789) Osteochondrodysplasia, unspecified
- (Q79) Congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system, not elsewhere classified
- (Q790) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- (Q791) Other congenital malformations of diaphragm
- (Q792) Exomphalos
- (Q793) Gastroschisis
- (Q794) Prune belly syndrome
- (Q795) Other congenital malformations of abdominal wall
- (Q796) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
- (Q798) Other congenital malformations of musculoskeletal system
- (Q799) Congenital malformation of musculoskeletal system, unspecified
[แก้] (Q80-Q89) Other
- (Q80) Congenital ichthyosis
- (Q800) Ichthyosis vulgaris
- (Q801) X-linked ichthyosis
- (Q804) Harlequin fetus
- (Q81) Epidermolysis bullosa
- (Q82) Other congenital malformations of skin
- (Q821) Xeroderma pigmentosum
- (Q822) Mastocytosis
- (Q825) Congenital non-neoplastic naevus
- (Q83) Congenital malformations of breast
- (Q84) Other congenital malformations of integument
- (Q85) Phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified
- (Q850) Neurofibromatosis (nonmalignant)
- Von Recklinghausen's disease
- (Q851) Tuberous sclerosis
- (Q858) Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified
- Sturge-Weber syndrome
- von Hippel-Lindau disease
- (Q86) Congenital malformation syndromes due to known exogenous causes, not elsewhere classified
- (Q860) Fetal alcohol syndrome (dysmorphic)
- (Q87) Other specified congenital malformation syndromes affecting multiple systems
- (Q870) Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly affecting facial appearance
- (Q871) Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly associated with short stature
- (Q872) Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly involving limbs
- Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber
- Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
- (Q873) Congenital malformation syndromes involving early overgrowth
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
- (Q874) Marfan's syndrome
- (Q875) Other congenital malformation syndromes with other skeletal changes
- (Q878) Other specified congenital malformation syndromes, not elsewhere classified
- Zellweger's syndrome
- Bardet-Biedl syndrome
- (Q89) Other congenital malformations, not elsewhere classified
- (Q893) Situs inversus
- (Q894) Conjoined twins
[แก้] Q90-Q99 - Chromosomal abnormalities, not elsewhere classified
- (Q90) Down's syndrome
- (Q91) Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13
- (Q92) Other trisomies and partial trisomies of the autosomes, not elsewhere classified
- Trisomy 9
- Warkany syndrome 2
- (Q93) Monosomies and deletions from the autosomes, not elsewhere classified
- (Q933) Deletion of short arm of chromosome 4
- (Q934) Deletion of short arm of chromosome 5
- (Q935) Other deletions of part of a chromosome
- (Q95) Balanced rearrangements and structural markers, not elsewhere classified
- Robertsonian and balanced reciprocal translocations and insertions
- (Q96) Turner syndrome
- (Q97) Other sex chromosome abnormalities, female phenotype, not elsewhere classified
- (Q98) Other sex chromosome abnormalities, male phenotype, not elsewhere classified
- (Q980) Klinefelter's syndrome karyotype 47,XXY
- (Q985) Karyotype 47,XYY
- (Q99) Other chromosome abnormalities, not elsewhere classified
- (Q992) Fragile X chromosome
[แก้] ดูเพิ่ม
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ICD-10 บท Q: รูปวิปริตแต่กำเนิด การแปลงรูปและโครโมโซมผิดปกติ เป็นบทความเกี่ยวกับ การแพทย์ ที่ยังไม่สมบูรณ์ ต้องการตรวจสอบ เพิ่มเนื้อหา หรือเพิ่มแหล่งอ้างอิง คุณสามารถช่วยเพิ่มเติมหรือแก้ไข เพื่อให้สมบูรณ์มากขึ้น
ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ ICD-10 บท Q: รูปวิปริตแต่กำเนิด การแปลงรูปและโครโมโซมผิดปกติ ในภาษาอื่น อาจสามารถหาอ่านได้จากเมนู ภาษาอื่น ด้านซ้ายมือ |