Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
Yarmulke and Menorah from the Harry S. Truman collection
Skullcap: Jewish yarmulke or kippah with Hebrew lettering. Polyester, metallic thread. Length 17.0, Width 16.1, T 1.0 cm. Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 20077a
Menorah: Jewish menorah or candelabrum with seven branches. President Truman was the first world leader to recognize Israel as a new nation. Metal. H 43.6, W 32.1, D 13.3 cm. Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 7337
Source: National Park Service: Information presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated , is considered in the public domain. It may be distributed or copied as is permitted by the law.
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