Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia
Description |
English: Crowds look on as a simulated Napalm explosion is set off on the Flight Line of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point during a Marine Air ground Task Force demonstration at the 2003 MCAS Air Show on May 3, 2003. Official USMC photo by LCpl Andrew Pendracki. Released. Submitted by MCAS Cherry Point.
Deutsch: Zuschauer betrachten eine simulierte (?) Napalm Explosion auf dem Rollfeld des Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point während einer Marine Air Ground Task Force Vorführung bei der 2003 MCAS Air Show am 3. Mai 2003. Offizielles USMC Photo von LCpl Andrew Pendracki. Freigegeben. Eingesandt von MCAS Cherry Point.
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Date |
May 3, 2003
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Official USMC photo by LCpl Andrew Pendracki
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