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Shruti meaning(to listen to good or inspiring things in order to embibe them) In ancient India, during the Indus Valley Civilisation, the language used by the scholars was sanskrit. This language is highly systematic and easy, but not everyone knew how to write or speak in it as it was considered to be the language of the learned people.Therefore everyone use to listen and then remember.The listening part is called shruti and the part where people memorised was called smriti.
[edit] sacrifice in hindu religion
about sacrifice of animals in hindu religion in hindu religion ,in gita if you take lookof just one line and try to make some point of view form that , everysingle time you will going to loose somepart and get the wrong inpression of what it means . but think like that way inout hindu religion got gave a permission to everybody to live peacefully . every body shoud dothe karm , but be careful karm means not becomilng like god. somepeple think that god gave thoise animals to us to sacrifice , that the thinking of our muslim religion nopt hindu religion . in hindu religion god send everybody and its his job when to kill a living being according to there karma. he never sends us to do his job . if we always take the eg of arjun that he send him to kill those people then we have to think he will going tosend our enemy and then us to kill that person. well if u really like to take a clear example of arjun , then think like that eh sends pakistanis and chinese as our enemy and us to kill them , that why he send us in this world. but if we take the exampkle arjun and think ourself as arjun and those litte animals as the object to sacrifice think once again. i like to give u an ex of movie ask, in that movie they said th edialogue from gitra , na koi marta hai , na koi marta hai .me to sirf yak nimittt martra huuu. if u take the wording of gita in the same way that movie does , than u are not hindu , u are fuking raksha who think stupid thing and if u kill animals u will be a fucking ass hole
[edit] Transliteration
This is the same Sanskrit word as śruti, right? In that case, they should both use IAST transliteration (the standard on Wikipedia), and there should be a disambiguation page. Comments? —Keenan Pepper 17:05, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
- Okay, it's been long enough, I'm moving it. —Keenan Pepper 22:04, 23 April 2006 (UTC)