Šuligoj Roman
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Šuligoj Roman (born October 21, 1972, in Šempeter-Vrtojba, Slovenia) is a member and bassist for the Gorizia based punk rock band, Annanonvuole. From 1980 till 1985 he attended local elementary music school and guitar was his favourite musical instrument.
The Madness was the first musical group he joined. The group played rock – cover and Roman played on keyboards. After one year the group broke up and a new group, the Blackhole, emerged in its place. Joining the Blackhole, Roman returned to his first love, the guitar. However, after six months he abandoned the other members of the group and formed his own duo of acoustic guitars.
After the duo had been enlarged by the bassist and the drummer in 1996, the first recordings followed. In 1998 the Fjordband was born. Roman became the singer of this group and definitely turned to the bass. Not long after the Fjord had succeeded to record a CD, it broke up. This was the moment in which Roman joined Annanonvuole. He has become an important pillar of this musical group.