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[edit] Events
[edit] Works published
[edit] English language
[edit] Canada
- Harry Ammos, Churchill and Other Poems
- Dick Diespecker, Windows West
- Joan Finnegan, through The Glass, Darkly
- Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays, literary theory (Princeton University Press)
- Gordon Leclaire, Carpenter's Apprentice
- Dorothy Livesay, Selected Poems, 1926-1956
- Goodridge Macdonald, Recent Poems
- Jay Macpherson, The Boatman
[edit] United Kingdom
- George Barker, collected works
- Edmund Blunden, collected works
- Norman Cameron, collected works (posthumous)
- Charles Causley, Union Street
- Hilda Doolittle (H.D.), Selected Poems of H.D.
- Kenneth Fearing, New and Selected Poems
- Thom Gunn, The Sense of Movement
- Ted Hughes, The Hawk in the Rain, including "The Thought Fox"
- James Kirkup, The Descent into the Cave
- C. Day Lewis, Pegasus
- Louis MacNeice, Visitations
- Norman McCaig, The Sinai Sort
- Edith Sitwell, collected works
- C. A. Trypanis, The Stones of Troy
[edit] United States
- W.H. Auden, The Old Man's Road
- Richard Eberhart, Great Praises
- Robert Fitzgerald, In the Rose of Time
- Robert E. Howard, Always Comes Evening
- William Meredith, The Open Sea and Other Poems
- W.S. Merwin, Green with Beasts
- Marianne Moore, Like a Bulwark
- Howard Moss, A Swimmer in the Air
- Ogden Nash, You Can't Get There from Here
- Marie Ponsot, True Minds
- Kenneth Rexroth, In Defense of the Earth
- Kenneth Rexroth and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, LP record, Poetry Readings in the Cellar (with the Cellar Jazz Quintet): Kenneth Rexroth & Lawrence Ferlinghetti Fantasy #7002 LP (Spoken Word)
- Stevie Smith, Not Waving but Drowning
- Wallace Stevens, Opus Posthumous, edited by Samuel French Morse (posthumous)
- Robert Penn Warren, Promises: Poems 1954-1956
- James Wright, The Green Wall
[edit] Other in English
[edit] French language
[edit] Canada
- Claude Fournier, Le Ciel fermé
- Pierre Trotier, Poèmes de Russie
- Reginald Boisvert, Le Temps de vivre
- Maurice Beaulieu, À glaise fendre
- Jean-Guy Pilon, L'Homme et le Jour
- Rina Lasnier, Présence de l'absence
- France
- Saint John Perse, Amers
- Fernand Gregh, Le mal du monde
- Alain Bosquet, Premier Testament
- Frances de Dalmatie, Anamorphose
[edit] German language
[edit] Germany
- Peter Gan, Schachbrett
- Margot Scharpenberg, Gefährliche Uebung
[edit] Hebrew
- N. Alterman, Ir ha-Yona ("City of the Dove")
- Moses Ibn Ezra, Shirai ha-Kodesh le-Moshe Ibn Ezra ("The Sacred Poems of Moses Ibn Ezra"), edited by Simon Bernstein, the first comprehensive collection
- Ephraim Lisitzky, Negohot ma-Arafel ("Light through the Mist")
- Yaakov Schteinberg, Kol Kitvai Yaakov Schteinberg ("Complete Works")
- A. Zeitlin, Ben ha-Esh ve-Hayesha ("Between Fire and Redemption")
[edit] Spanish language
- V. Aleixandre, Mis poemas mejores (1956)
- Gabriel Celaya, De claro en claro
- R. Montesino, La soledad y los días
- R. Pombo, Poesías completas
- María C. Lacaci, Humana voz (winner of the 1956 Adonais Prize)
- J. Guillén, "Lugar de Lázaro" (fragment of Clamor)
- J.R. Jiménez:
- Libros en poesía
- Tercera antología poética
- R. Menendez Pidal, editor, Espana y su historia
- J.M. Blecua, Floresta lírica espanola
[edit] Latin America
- Jacinto Cordero Espinosa, Despojamiento
- Pablo Neruda:
- Viajes
- Nuevas odas elementales
- Amado Nervo:
- complete poetic works (publisher: Aguilar)
- Pensamientos (publisher: Barcelona)
- Octavio Paz (Chile), Piedra de sol
- César Vallejo (Peru), collected poems (posthumous)
[edit] Yiddish
- Yankev Glatshteyn, Fun mayn gantser mi ("Of All My Labor, Selected Poems, 1919-1956")
- A. Leyeles, Baym fus fun barg ("At the Foot of the Mountain")
- Khos Kliger, Peyzazhn fun Yisroel ("Israel Landscapes")
[edit] Awards and honors
[edit] Canada
- Governor General's Awards: Robert A.D. Ford, A Window on the North
- President's Medal for a single poem: Jay Macpherson, The Fisherman — A Book of Riddles
[edit] United Kingdom
[edit] United States
[edit] Poetry Magazine awards
[edit] Poetry Society of America awards
- Alexander Droutzkoy Memorial award: Mark Van Doren
- Walt Whitman Award: Fredson Bowers
- Reynolds Lyric Award: Frances Minturn Howard and David Ross
- Edna St. Vincent Millay Memorial Award: Richard Wilbur
- William Rose Benet Memorial Award]]: Babette Deutsch
- Ridgely Torrence Memorial Award: John Hall Wheelock
- Poetry Chap-Book Award: Grover Smith, Jr.
- Emily S. Hamblen Memorial Award: Trianon Press of Paris for a work on William Blake
- Arthur Davison Ficke Memorial Award: Margaret Haley Carpenter, Leah Bodine Drake, Frances Minturn Howard, Ulrich Troubetzkoy
- Leonora Speyer Memorial Award: Lois Smith Hiers
- Annual Award: Joyce Horner
- Borestone Mountain Poetry Award: Eric Barker
- Fastenrath Prize (Spain) for the best poetry published in the past four years: J. García Nieto, La red
[edit] Births
[edit] Deaths
- January 10 — Gabriela Mistral, 67, Chilean
- April 22 — Roy Campbell, 56, South African poet and satirist
- March 28 — Christopher Morley, 66, American journalist, novelist, and poet
- August 13 — Joseph Warren Beach, American author, book critic and educator
- September 20 — Merrill Moore, 54, American psychiatrist and poet
- September 22 — Oliver St. John Gogarty, 79, Irish poet, writer, physician and ear surgeon, one of the most prominent Dublin wits, political figure of the Irish Free State, and now best known as the inspiration for Buck Mulligan in James Joyce's novel Ulysses, of a heart attack
- October 26 — Nikos Kazantzakis, Greek
- Date not known:
- Skipwith Cannell (born 1887), American poet associated with the Imagist group (pronounce his last name with the stress on the second syllable)
- Charles Badger Clark
- Arthur R. D. Fairburn
[edit] See also