"I Agree With" Campaign
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An "I Agree With" Campaign is a Christian evangelistic outreach strategy that has been used on several college and university campuses across the United States, Canada and Australia.
The campaign typically lasts for about two weeks. The basic premise of the campaign is for a campus ministry organization to select a figurehead for the campaign (typically a well-known junior or senior who has been involved in the organization for a while), and in the first week or half-week of the campaign to inundate the campus with teasers in the form of flyers, banners, newspaper ads, and any other acceptable medium which ask the question, "Do you agree with Joe?" These teasers contain no information about who Joe is or what he has to say.
At the beginning of the second week of the campaign, all the Christians involved in the campaign wear t-shirts that say, "I Agree With Joe," while Joe's belief statement—the gospel, as articulated by the campus ministry organization—is printed in an ad (typically full-paged) in the school newspaper, and students are encouraged to discuss among each other whether or not they agree with Joe.
The goal of the campaign is to generate personal discussions about the Christian gospel between Christian students and their friends, classmates, and professors (this is in contrast with other "event-type" forms of evangelism). Other supplemental venues of communication are typically employed, such as huge marker boards on which students can write their opinions of what Joe has to say, discussion forums with Joe, on-line chatting with Joe, etc. [1]
One of the most well-known and effective I-Agree-With-Campaigns was the "I Agree With Eric" Campaign which took place at the University of Florida, when life on campus was almost completely overcome by discussion about Eric's belief statement. [2]
A student at a school where this campaign was run objected to the characterization of Christian belief as a fixed set of ideas. [3]
[edit] References
- ^ 'I Agree With' Evangelistic Campaign'. Godsquad.com.
- ^ Campaign promotes spirituality. Alligator Online.
- ^ Lee by example. Lawrence Journal-World.
[edit] External links
- "I Agree With" Informational Packet (PDF). Godsquad.com.