Abdominal etching
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Abdominal etching is a trademarked and registered plastic surgery procedure invented by plastic surgeon Dr. Henry A. Mentz, III, MD [1] in the early 1990s. Since this invention, there have been dozens of papers published on this specialized type of liposuction. It is an advanced cosmetic procedure that uses a special canula designed by surgeon and trade secret methodology to provide the patient a flat stomach or even 6-pack abs. Called ab etching or abdominal etching, this procedure selectively removes a small amount of fat around the patient's natural muscular contours.
Prior to the "abdominal etching" plastic surgeryprocedure, the surgeon should make detailed markings of the ab muscles while the patient stands and flexes. The surgeon will then follow these markings to remove fat and highlight the patient's individual muscular structure. Using abdominal etching, a qualified surgeon can selectively remove a couple of ounces of fat and get the optimal look. Various journal articles indicate that his type of cosmetic surgery procedure is becoming more and more accepted in the areas of modeling, body building, and acting.